chapter five

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Three months

"So this is tomlinsons baby mama?"
The man stepped closer, hands interlocking behind his back.
His appearance was scary on its own.

Hair jet black and gelled back into a low bun. Skin pale and littered with tattoos, eyes black dull and almost inhuman.

His lips were thin and red, pulled into a less then warm smile.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows heart beating, thudding inside his chest. He didn't know what to do. He legs felt like Jell-O but his mind yelled at him to run a way.


"Doesn't matter. What does is the thing in your stomach...  or things?" He grinned lips twitching.

Harry put a hand on the swell his baby bump protectively. His mind was raising, thoughts jumbled. He was scared.

"Twins? Hmm. Two? That's fun! The more the merrier right?" The man laughed stepping closer, smirking when Harry took a few steps back.

"Leave me alone." His voice was surprisingly stable, not as stern as he had wished but not as shaky as he expected.

"Afraid I can't do that. You are coming with me." He shrugged walking a little faster causing Harry's breaths to quicken.

"I'm not-"

Before he could finish he was caught off by a loud laugh.

"Oh! That's rich! You think you have a choice. No no love. This isn't a negotiation. I'm so sorry if I didn't make that clear enough." He smiled at Harry easily.

Harry furrowed his eyebrowslooking around and wondering if he could make a run for it. " I'm not going with you."

"Listen, Harry is it? Im loving this chit chat thing we got going. Very fun. But ive had a long ass day. So im going to just speed up this process a bit yeah?"

Before harry could reply he was hit in the head and everything went black.

"How the fuck do they know!?"
Louis yelled with blown eyes and trembling fists.

"I know as much as you do."

"Well then youre a shit psychic"

Perries eyes made slits and she gritted her teeth together. "Not. The. Point."

" the point is the man who is carrying your child is being held by tyler fucking bullick. So you two need to cut the shit and get going." Zayn growled tired of his brothers behaviour. He needs start treating this situation as it was.

" i think this might be a sign. If the baby isnt born it could save u-" louis started with a thoughtful expression. 

"Thats a fucking joke right? This is your kid. The baby in his stomach has your DNA louis. I know you arent thinking about letting it be killed. And you know tyler he isnt just going to get rid of  the baby. The boy you impregnated will die too. Dont be such a heartless prick. Hes so young... 18 years old. Think about that. If you wasnt such a carless fucker this wouldnt have happened. You have responsibilities now louis, act like it." Zayn ranted with a glare hoping what he said would register in his brothers thick skull. But he was so fucking stubborn.

Louis growled baring his teeth as a warning. "Watch yourself malik."

Zayn rolled his eyes. " give the tough guy act a rest, im right and you know it."

"Are we going to just talk or save him." Louis mumbled with white knuckles.


"Oi! Your awake! Excellent."

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