Chapter Fifty-One: Silent Kiss

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"So now we have to get in touch with Mark's egos to find out if they'll join our side." Sean finished his reasoning on why he didn't tell you and why he had to get to Mark's egos before Dark had a chance to corrupt their thinking.

You sat there, dumbstruck. "So.. you're saying.." You paused for effect, staring at him and Chase. "We're fucked?" Just as Chase was about to respond to your lack of optimism, Henrik walked in. "(Y/N).. Vhat are you-?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, Henrik. I forgot about y-" You cut yourself off, trying not to sound completely like a dick. "I forgot. Sean was just telling me about Dark's plan and it completely slipped my mind that-" This time, Henrik cut you off. "Who told her?"

"I did.. and it was only because she eavesdropped." Sean crossed his arms defensively, huffing like a small child that didn't get what he wanted when he wanted it. Henrik laughed, his shoulders shaking. "I'm glad you told her. She should have known a long time ago."

Sean paused, staring at Henrik in shock. "So- Wait. You all felt this way?" Henrik and Chase nodded, smiling sheepishly at Sean. Sean's shoulders drooped as he sighed, putting his head in his hands. "I'm such a dumbass." You nodded. "Yes. Yes you are."

Just then.. you felt overwhelming sadness. You frowned slightly, Chase taking notice of your sudden mood change. "(Y/N).. What's wrong." It was more of a demand than a question and you shrugged. "I don't know.. I shouldn't be feeling this way. Maybe it's someone else.."

You climbed off the bed, walking over to the door before looking back at them. "I'll be right back.. I'm gonna go check on.." Who exactly would be feeling this way..? Could it be Jackie? No.. He's off saving someone. What about Marvin? No.. couldn't be.

Then something clicked and you ripped open the door, fast walking to Jameson's room. You could hear Chase, Henrik and Sean calling after you but you couldn't stop now. You knocked on Jameson's brown door, waiting for an answer that never came.

"James? You in there?" You could hear erratic breathing.. but that's about it. You opened the door, looking in on Jameson. He was in there alright. His bowler cap sat on his beside table as he sobbed into his hands, tears dripping from them.

You closed the door silently behind you as you approached him, slightly moving the bed as you sat down beside his shivering form, side hugging him as he cried. "Hey.. it's okay. Sean didn't mean it.. He told me himself. Please don't be sad.. You'll make me cry as well."

He looked up at you with bloodshot eyes, his bottom lip quivering. You got off the bed for a moment, grabbing his tear soaked pad and his black pen, reading what he wrote in sloppy handwriting.. which was usually pristine and cursive.

I'm nothing. An idea. A concept. I'm a nobody. No one likes me. No one cares about me. I'm just a pathetic excuse of an ego..

Was written over and over again, some words smudged from the tears. You shook your head, tears pricking your eyes as Jameson tried to grab the pad from you. Instead of pulling it away from him, you wrapped him in a heart warming hug. "Oh, Jameson.. You're more than that."

"Especially to me." After a moment of hesitation, he hugged back. Jameson buried his head into the crook of your neck. You could feel his hot breath on your skin as he shakily exhaled. He believed you. "You're everything to me. Including your brothers!"

"Don't you EVER think otherwise, you hear?" Jameson nodded his head, holding you tighter as you did the same. After a few minutes of this, Jameson pulled away from you, deeply sighing. You both stared at each other until you could feel yourself leaning in.

Jameson did the same, his and your eyes fluttering shut. Your lips met and you pulled his closer by his blue vest, deepening the kiss. He shifted you slightly, pushing you down to the bed as he straddled you by the hips.

You could feel yourself blushing as he did so, sighing into the kiss. His moustache tickled your face, making you giggle. He bit your bottom lip, making you gasp in pleasure as a shiver made its way down your spine.

He placed his hands onto your hips as you held onto him by his vest. Jameson took it upon himself to release you.. begrudgingly, sitting back up as you sighed in complaint. Once you saw his face you laughed, realizing that he had never done this before.

"Never done that huh?" Jameson shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Don't feel bad, James. It's okay." You gave him a toothy grin as he did the same, his cheeks still rosy.

You picked up his bowler hat from the nightstand, setting it back onto his head as he let you. You pushed his bangs out of his face, smiling again. "There. Now you're perfect." His blush grew as he noticed your choice of words. 'Perfect..' He's never been called that before.

He took up his notepad, scribbling something onto it before showing it to you. 'Thanks for that..' You grin grew larger as you decided to mess with him. "For the kiss or the kind words?" His eyes bugged at your bluntness and you giggled as he picked up the pen again, writing.


That made you blush as you couldn't stop giggling. Jameson then thought of an idea. He smiled devilishly, leaning toward you and placing a kiss on your nose. You stopped suddenly, your eyes wide as his was before.

You pushed him with one hand playfully, "Jameson!" He silently laughed as you grew as flustered as he was before. It took a while for you two to calm down, but you eventually did so. You were glad you cheered him up.

It made you happy inside and out- and Jameson knew this. He payed attention more than anyone knew. He also knew it was going to be a hard decision.. picking between all of them. Especially when you've had moments with some of them.

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