Chapter Twenty-Four: If You Love Him

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You woke up, sweating profusely. You shot straight up, stripping the sheet off of your heated form. Your lips were chapped and you hurt all over. You had a migraine from hell but- something sweet, yet bitter smelling caught your attention.

It was coming from the nightstand. A black rose in a small, dark red vase was emitting the strange smell. You smiled, picking up the flower and smelling it. A note was attached to it. You looked at it curiously before reading,

Dear (Y/N),

I found this black rose growing in the back yard and I thought of you.. I hope it makes you feel better. I saw you tossing and turning in your sleep. 

                                                                                                                 Love, Mark.

You smiled, setting the rose back into the vase and getting out of bed, going to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After the shower you put on some fresh clothes. A black leather jacket, dark green shirt and black skinny jeans. 

You opened your door, walking out and shutting it behind you. Immediately, Mark walked upstairs and pecked your cheek on the way to the bathroom. Dread bloomed in your stomach, making you increasingly uneasy. 

Why does he do that? Is it normal to kiss your girlfriend on the cheek whenever you see them? You were new to this whole thing so you didn't exactly know. A creaking sound coming from down the hallway caught your attention. Sean.

He was finally awake, and was about to come down to eat breakfast when he spotted you. He smiled at you, waving. Your cheeks flushed with the memory of the other day still fresh in your mind. You smiled back, making your way over when you doubled over in extreme pain.

It felt like your organs were liquifying. Sean ran over, holding you while you screamed in pain. You could hear him screaming about something.. maybe calling for help? You didn't know, but a few seconds later Mark joined him in the embrace.

The only thing that was clear was one voice. One sound. "It's okay now. Be still. Be silent. Just sleep." You closed your eyes, making one more shriek of pain before falling into the depths of unconsciousness.

..A man. A man with electric green eyes. You couldn't see his face, but he was grinning from ear to ear. He held a shiny, kitchen knife in his left hand, the blade glinting in the darkness. Fog surrounded his form and you could see the shadow of another man, standing behind him.

More fog rolled in and you could only see his glowing green eyes and his outstretched hand. You reached for him, worried that he'd leave you in the surrounding darkness. His presence felt odd.. but comforting.

The man behind him suddenly lurched forward, taking the green one with him and leaving you alone to fend for yourself. You started running toward where the man last was until you felt arms wrap around your waste, pulling you back. 

He placed his chin in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent. You tried to pull away, making him growl. He held you tighter. "You're mine now." You gasped as he let you go, letting you fall into the darkness once more. 


There's that voice again. It called. Louder this time. "(Y/N)!" 

You jolted upright, pouring sweat like when you woke up this morning. It was dark outside and the boys were no where to be found. You rubbed your temple in order to ease your pounding headache. Where were they? -And that voice.. it was so familiar.

A knocking sound caught your attention and you turned around, checking it out. Sean. Standing there with a worried expression and leaning on the doorframe in a relaxed manner, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "(Y/N)..? Are you okay?"

You gulped, feeling like a deer in headlights about to get ran over and then left on the side of the road until a family of crows come to peck at your open stomach, leaving no trace of you ever being there in the first place. "I-" You cut yourself off, sighing and managing a weak smile.

"I-I'm fine."

He nodded hesitantly, deciding not to pester you any further. He knew you were lying.. but he also knew that you weren't in the mood and that you were worn out mentally and physically. He sat beside you on the couch, pulling you to his chest and petting your head affectionately.

"Sean-" This time, he cut you off. "I know what you're going to say." He sighed, momentarily stopping the petting session. "-But I also know that you need this right now." He continued petting you as you smiled faintly, leaning toward his touch.

"Thank you, Sean." 

He chuckled in response, pulling you a little closer so you weren't uncomfortable. You were seriously regretting saying yes to Mark about being his girlfriend. You didn't like him like that, even if he did. Why HAD you said yes?

It felt like.. instinct. Like.. an impulsive decision. Like it wasn't what you would normally do. Because if it was, you know you would have said no. If felt like.. you weren't in control of your decisions. -And that's why.. you plan to breakup with him tonight.

You frowned, getting up begrudgingly from Sean's warmth. "Sean.. Can I ask you something?" He nodded, signaling for you to continue. You positioned yourself so you were facing him, a serious expression gracing your soft features.

"If you had.. made a mistake, what would you do?" He laughed, laying his head back onto the couch and grabbing a small, neon green ball from his pocket and throwing it up into the air multiple times. "I would fix it of course."

You sighed in frustration as he continued to throw the ball up into the air. You figured that it was your fault that he didn't know what you meant, you worded it wrong. You tried again. "I mean.. If you chose something.. that you didn't want to choose.." You trailed off, finding the right words.

"-And that choice affected other peo-" You cut yourself off, thinking. "Affected yourself.." You continued. "But made the other person happy.." You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut. "-And made the choice you wanted to choose... unhappy.. what would you do?"

"Hm.. that's a tough one. Why'd you ask?" 

"U-Uhm.. For a friend." He caught the ball again, stopping this time to look at you intensely. "Well then.. I'd choose neither. If it hurts one and makes the other happy, then it wouldn't be fair. -But if you didn't choose.. then they'd stay neutral. See what I mean?" 

You finally understood what he was saying. You knew what you had to do now. For their sake- and yours- you were going to breakup with Mark.. and stay out of relationships with both of them.. even if it wasn't what you wanted. This goes beyond you. 

The last thing you wanted to do.. was hurt them.

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