Chapter Forty-Eight: Six Concepts

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The boys were busy with their tea bag fight while you were listening to music dancing around your room to the song. Suddenly your doors open and as you were immersed into the music, Chase throws a tea bag at you.

You turn around, taking your head phones off and picking up the tea bag, smiling sweetly at Chase. "Now, Chase.." You creep toward him as he backs away, hands up in surrender. "(Y-Y/N)? Don't do this. I'm sure we can work this out..."

He backs out of your doorway, all of the boys standing outside with smirks on their faces. They chuck tea bags at you, running away in different directions when they're through. You sigh, picking up the tea bags and carrying them in your shirt pouch that you made.

"I'll get you all back for this!"

"Sure you will, (Y/N)!" Chase. You carefully made your way toward the kitchen, looking over the island at Chase. He was crouched down, listening. "Boo..." Chase slowly looked up at you, fear written all over his face as you threw the tea bag at him. He caught it, laughing.

"Alright, (Y/N) you got me."

You smirked at this, readying another tea bag. "Not yet I don't." You threw another at him, he caught it with his right hand. "(Y/N)-" He didn't have any hands left. You threw another one, getting him square in the face. He made a small squealing sound as you ran.

"Hey! Come back here." You laughed as he caught up to you, cornering you in the hallway. "Why did you squeal?" He looked at you in shock, his face flushed. "I-I did not squeal!" You stuck your tongue out at him. "You did too!"

While he was distracted, you ran into a random room and locked the door. "(Y/N)! That's my room!" You held back laughter as you looked at all the Bro Average posters. "Yeah.. Yeah I can see that." You heard a rustling sound come from the closet and you opened the door curiously.

Jackie, Henrik and Jameson were hiding in there, looking at you like you were about to rip their heads off and stick them onto a metal pole, displaying it in the front yard for everyone to see. You smirked, tossing a tea bag up into the air.

This is going to be fun.


A few minutes later and you'd thrown one at all of them.. except Jameson. He was too cute. He gave you the puppy dog eyes and you just had to let him go. You took off Jameson's bowler hat, ruffling his hair while he silently giggled.

Jackie huffed at you, crossing his arms. "Hey! That's not fair. Jameson cheated." You laughed at Jackie, punching his shoulder playfully. "Well.. did you know I have a weakness for fedoras, tuxedos.. and above all else, awesome looking mustaches?"

Jameson smiled, side hugging you. "-And look at that cute little face! Oh my God." You pinched his cheeks lightly, fangirling. Sean tapped your shoulder, raising an eyebrow at you. "You.. do realize we all have the same face.. right?" You looked over at him, nodding.

"I do. It's just.. Jameson wears it better." Chase 'oohed' as he hung onto Sean's shoulders. "She just told you, bro!" Sean shrugged him off, his eyebrows creased from annoyance. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You know I created him. He was a concept. An idea."

Jameson lost his playful smile, as did the rest of you. Sean raised both of his eyebrows in shock. "No, no! That's not what I-" Jameson cut him off, scribbling something onto his notepad and then throwing it at him. Sean caught it, his eye scanning the page.

'So we're just a concept to you?!'

Sean shook his head. "No! That's not what I meant. I didn't mean to-" Chase cut him off this time, punching him straight in the jaw. Chase clenched his fists as he stared at Sean, laid out onto the floor and touching his jaw gently. "Are my kids just a concept too?!"

Everyone besides you and Sean left the room and you helped him up, sitting him onto the couch. "Wow.. You really screwed up this time." Sean scoffed at you, glaring at the TV in front of him. "You don't think I know that? You know I didn't mean-"

"Sean.. I know you didn't. But do you know who you're turning into?" You held him close as he shook his head, frowning. "No..? What are you talking about?" It took a moment for you to respond but you did. "That was something Anti would say."

Sean suddenly jerked away from you, scowling and clenching his fists like Chase had done a few moments before. "I am NOTHING like Anti. I'm the opposite." He leaned back again, sighing. "Aren't I? Aren't I suppose to be..?"

"Sean, you've said it before. Anti is a part of you. I do believe him being gone is getting to all of us. Including you." Sean nodded, placing his head into the crook of your neck. "He wasn't suppose to die, (Y/N).."

"He was suppose to protect yo-" Sean cut himself off, getting up from the couch. "Eh- Never mind that. I'm.. I need to go talk to Chase." Before you could ask him what he meant, he left you. Alone in the living room. "What was he talking about..?" 


You opened the door to Henrik's room, peering inside. His room looked as it did before, although there was a patch on the wall where you'd hit you head. You walked in, seeing Henrik throwing a ball into the air and then catch it.

You sat on the edge of his bed, tapping his knee. "Did you hear me come in?" He nodded at your question, sitting up and resting his back against the headboard. "Yeah.. I did." You sat in silence for a few seconds before he spoke again. "You know.. Sean vas a regular Anti back zhere."

"Yeah.. I do know. I even told him so." Henrik laughed, throwing the ball to you. You caught it, twirling it around in your hand. "(Y/N).. Can I tell you something?" You nodded. "Go ahead. I'm always listening."

"Zhe.. Zhe reason vhy I have zhese moments vhen I can't.." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair from habit. "I can't control myself.. It's because of Anti." You sighed, positioning yourself so you can face him. "Chase told me that part.. but the rest is fuzzy."

"How did it happen?"

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