Chapter Eight: Cuddles

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You turned the knobs of your bathtub, getting it at the right temperature for your wolf. The door was closed and the wolf was pacing back and forth, whining from time to time. You think he knows he's getting a bath.

You got the bath water to the halfway mark and beckoned to him. He begrudgingly made his way over to you, sitting down next to the tub. He eyed the tub suspiciously and then glared at you as if to say, 'try me bish'. 

You giggled, grabbing his legs and putting them into the tub, making him yelp in surprise. As he was distracted, you grabbed his back legs and put them in as well. He was now soaked from paws to back. 

He grumbled, but didn't try to make an escape. You grabbed your half used shampoo and started to rub it into his fur. After scrubbing his fur successfully and getting the clumps of dirt out, you grabbed the shower head. He shifted uncomfortably as you turned it on and sprayed him with it.

He tried to stay still as you finished. You had been careful to avoid his face with the soap and only got his chin and the top of his head. You covered his eyes, which he allowed as you sprayed his head. After you were done the water had turned a murky brown color.

You drained the water and rinsed out the tub, asking him to get out. He obliged and you grabbed the towel, drying him off as much as you could and then wrapping the towel around yourself as he shook the rest off. 

You put the towel in the dirty clothes bin and the wolf bounded down stairs and started to rub everything that was cloth. He dove face first into the covers on the couch and started to go crazy rubbing his snout into it.

You giggled as you watch this unfold. After a while he'd calmed down and you sat down on the couch, him curled up on your lap.

You had decided to name the dog Demon. Like in Snow Dogs. He reminded you much of the funny dog. You had been petting Demons fur for the past five minutes.. just thinking about life in general until Sean slowly made his way downstairs, gaining the wolfs attention.

The wolf started to growl and you shushed him, earning a whine. Sean's eyes had bags and black circles told you he hadn't slept at all last night. He ran a hand through his hair and finally noticed you with a ball of fur laying on your lap.

He froze, his eyes bulging out of his head at the new addition to the cabin. "(Y/N).. what is that?" You cleared your throat, glaring at him. "The correct term is who. -And his name is Demon." He carefully made his way over to you. "You do know what he is.. right?"

"A wolf, Sean."

Sean seemed to relax as he realized he wasn't going to be ripped to shreds by the wolf and he sat down next to you, sighing. "Y-You know, (Y/N).." He started. "The snowstorms let up and.." You had feared he'd say something about this. You weren't ready for him to leave yet.

"S-Sean I-" Your wolf sensed your sadness and cuddled closer to you as tears threatened to fall. You hugged Demon and held your face into his soft, clean fur. "(Y-Y/N)?" You lifted your head up slowly, looking into Sean's eyes.


"I was thinking that I'd maybe.. stay a few more days before leaving?" You nodded glumly, still knowing that he'd have to leave soon. "Hey! It's okay. We're okay." He cuddled you and your wolf in his arms and you three fell asleep like that.

You woke up with Sean's head on your chest, softly snoring. Demon was no where to be seen and the covers were on the floor. You decided to go find him and you carefully got up, laying Sean's head on the armrest.

Demon was in the kitchen, sniffing around for food. You knew that your parents were meat eaters and they had left a huge packet of meat here a few weeks ago. Should be okay for him to eat. You opened the cabinet, grabbing a bowl and setting it on the floor.

The wolf wagged his tail as you pulled the meat out and scooped a good portion into the bowl, him gobbling it down within a few minutes. The wolf seemed satisfied and went to go lay next to Sean on the couch. 

You washed the spoon and bowl, putting them away and joining the wolf and still asleep Sean in the living room. The display was too cute. Sean was curled up into a ball while Demon was curled up into Sean's chest, resting his head into Sean's neck while Sean's arm rested around the wolfs back loosely.

You pulled out your phone, taking multiple pictures of this. Sean had a small smile on his face, his breathing slow and even as they cuddled. You decided that it was time for them to wake up seeing as it was 11:23 in the afternoon and you didn't have much time with him left.


That seemed to do the trick. Sean and the wolf both shot bolt upright and looked around before their eyes set upon you. Demon looked uninterested and rested his head on his paws, laying on the opposite side of Sean on the couch.

"W-What? What are you awing about?" You laughed, pulling out your phone to show him every picture you took of them curled up. The wolf watched as well. As soon as the second picture you took pulled up, the wolf huffed and went to go explore the cabin out of embarrassment.

Sean kind of looked embarrassed as well. His cheeks lit up fifty shades of red and he hid his face in his hands. "I can't believe you took pictures.." His voice was muffled by his hands but you knew what he'd said.

"Aw come on! It was A-DORABLE!" You both laughed and he nodded. "Okay. It kind of was." 

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