Chapter Thirty-Nine: Control

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You stared up at the ceiling, clicking a pen you'd taken before you left Henrik's room. The situation about Dark scared you. You knew that whatever had happened to you before wasn't Mark. -But you also couldn't trust him again. They had the same face, quite disturbing.

Even Mark said that Dark was apart of him in one of his later videos. He's not just some made up fantasy that girls like to write smut about anymore. He's real.. and he's looking for you. From all the information you've gotten from Maggy and Wiki, you knew he was a dangerous guy.

The conversation you eavesdropped on also gave you a bad vibe. You weren't in the mood for this sort of shit anymore. You were real, you were here. Your decisions have consequences and whatever they plan on doing to 'lure' you out could have a negative effect on anyone involved.

You lifted yourself from your bed, pacing around the room. This was bad and the egos planned on keeping it from you. All because you haven't eaten. Well screw you Sean. You knew damned well that it wasn't just that. They were afraid you'd get in the way.

At least Chase was on your side. You knew you could count on him. Was Sean even planning on telling you before 24 hours was over? Did he even care that you would want to know about your life being in danger? Of course he did. He was Sean. You shook your head.

"He worries too damn much.." Your door opened a crack and Sean poked his head in, smiling. "Who worries too much?" You grumbled under your breath. "Nothing Sean." He raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?" His eye widened.

"Are you.. on your period..?" You gasped, throwing your pen at him. "No, you idiot!" You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand. "Oh good.. My mom was a miniature Godzilla when she was on her period.." He shivered. "Anyway.. Want some food?"

Your stomach rumbled at the mention of something other than an apple and your cheeks flushed. "No.. I'm not hungry. -But it seems as though my stomach is." You poked your belly, sticking your bottom lip out making Sean laugh.

"So is that a yes to food?"

You shook your head sadly. "I-I.. can't." He frowned. "Why not?" Because if you do he'll have to tell you eventually without wanting to. You want him to tell you because he wants to. Not because he has to. "Because.." You trailed off, shifting. "I.. I'm not hungry."

He nodded hesitantly, picking up the pen that you threw at him. He inspected it, running over the white letter engraved into it with his thumb. "This is Henrik's pen.. Where'd you get this?" You grabbed it from him, shoving it into your pocket. "Erm.. I took it from his work desk."

"-And he let you? Wow. I'm surprised, that's his favorite pen." You looked up from your feet, your mouth hanging open. "H-His favorite pen?" Sean nodded, grabbing the door handle and stepping out. He shut the door so only his head was poking inside again.

"Yep. I have to go now but.. Tell Henrik I said he owes me five bucks." Sean winked at you before closing the door back into place and walking away, his footsteps fading away. Your smile faded and you slid down to the floor, head in hands.

You felt like crying.. and you didn't know why. This is how it was often. Your mother told you that you were an empath. That you could feel other peoples emotions. It was a curse sometimes.. Maybe someone needed your help?

They had to be in this house right? You got up, wiping stray tears from your face. You opened the door to your room, checking to see if the coast was clear. You shut the door quietly and knocked on Anti's door. "You okay in there?"

"I'm fine (Y/N). Why do you ask?" You hesitated before answering his question with honesty. "I feel like something's off.. I feel like crying and I don't know why.." A few seconds after you said that, Anti opened the door. "I thought I was the only one. Seems like I'm not crazy after all."

"No. You ARE crazy. That's for sure." You frowned slightly. "I would bet it's either Chase or Henrik whose feeling this way." Anti nodded. "Yeah maybe.. I could see Chase feeling this way. I just couldn't see Henrik doing this. Why him?"

"I had to help him with his work. It might be that. We should split up though."

"You're right. I got Henrik." You shook your head. "I've got Henrik, thank you very much. I've seen what you've done to him in videos." You stared at him accusingly and he held his hands up in defense. "Fine, fine. You've got Henrik. I'll ask Chase."

You both turned around in opposite directions to find them both. He was most likely in his room so that's where you'll check first. Third door to the left. You knocked, putting your ear to the door. You strained, trying to hear if anything might be wrong.

"H-Henrik? You in there..?" A thud sounded from the other side and Henrik cursed rapidly in German. "Please just go avay, (Y/N).." That settled it. You opened the door, taking a peek inside. Papers were scattered about, his computer lying on the floor.. broken.

The doctor was laying on the bed, his legs dangling from it. Tear streaks lined his face as he cried, holding in sobs. He then curled up into a ball, his body shaking slightly. You shut the door quietly, approaching him. "H-Henrik..?"

He suddenly stopped, grabbing an object from the bedside and throwing it toward you. "Just leave me alone!" The object he threw hit the door, shattering into a million pieces. You cringed at the noise, backing into the door. You took deep breaths, calming yourself.

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