Chapter Thirty-One: Chaos

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You woke up, a headache pounding away at your skull. You groaned, gaining the attention of.. Sean? He sat worriedly in a chair besides you, holding your hand in his. No time for blushing. "What..-" Before you could finish your sentence he cut in.

"I'm sorry about them! I told Marvin not to overwhelm you.. and Cha-" You cut him off with a sharp glare. He clammed up immediately, nodding sheepishly. "What I was going to ask.. was if it was a dream. But thanks for answering that I guess."

"Unless someone slipped me LSD."

He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "Just so you know.. (Y/N), none of this was meant to get out. You weren't suppose to find out about any of this." You nodded, hissing at the headache still grinding away at you.

"It's okay.. If I was ever going to be your gir- friend.. then I would probably need to know about six other versions of you roaming your house freely." You squeezed his hand reassuringly and he smiled with relief. "That's good.. hey, why don't you meet them over dinner? Properly this time?"


He bit his bottom lip and nodded sheepishly. "You were out all day.." You groaned in frustration. "I guess it's too late to get a refund on that plane ticket, huh?" Sean shrugged. "Honestly, I've never needed one. So I wouldn't know."

"Oh and.. you can unload your things here.." 

You frowned and he quickly added, "Only until you get another plane ticket!" You laughed at his behavior and nodded gratefully. He gave you a quick smile and left your room, shutting the door behind him.

Wait.. your things? Sure enough, all five of your suitcases were piled into a corner neatly. Where exactly they got them, you've no idea. You were talking to Sean so you didn't exactly get the time to look around.

The walls were painted a dark green, a color you loved. The floor's carpet was cream colored and there was a medium sized closet next to the oak dresser. Your bed had green sheets and a black blanket along with some pillows of the same color.

You grabbed three black suitcases, opening them up and looking inside. You hung up all of your leather jackets and short sleeved shirts, along with two pairs of pants. The rest of them plus other things were in the other suitcases.

You were about to shut the last suitcase when you noticed something in the side pocket. A note. Not just any note, the note you had from when you found the box. You grabbed it up, skimming over it again.

Dear Dudette, 

Hey, bro! We can see how happy you make our.. buddy, Jack! So in case you wanted to come back for this box, we saved it from being wrecked in the snow! Now, you can't ask our names. It'd.. give too much away! We can't have you passing out now can we? I guess I'll call myself.. Chad for now. -And uh.. Henry? Picked out the rose! I guess we'll see each other real soon if you're reading this.


                        Another bro!

You never figured out who left the note. You shrugged, placing the note in the bedside table for later inspection, heading out the door after brushing your (h/l), (h/c) hair. You wandered down the long hallway, getting somewhat lost until you heard footsteps coming your way.

"(Y/N)? You lost?"

You turned around to see Chase, smiling at you. You smiled back, blushing. "U-Uh.. yeah. Kind of embarrassing to admit though." Chase nodded, leading you by the small of your back. "It's okay. I get lost sometimes too.. I mean, it's a big house!"

He let go of you as soon as you were in the doorway. "We don't reserve seats so, sit wherever you like!" After he said that, he went into the kitchen and grabbed a plate, plopping spaghetti onto it along with the sauce. 

You wondered how he could do something like that when the kitchen was so chaotic. Henrik was messing with Jameson by taking his notepad and keeping it just out of his reach, Marvin was poking Jackie in the back with his wand and then poofing in and out of the kitchen when he turned around.

Sean was watching the whole thing go down with you, a smirk on his face. His arms were crossed and he was leaning against the doorframe. "I got this, don't worry." His voice startled you, mostly because you didn't know he was there.

He sauntered over to the group, taking the notepad from Henrik and giving it back to Jameson. Sean then turned to Marvin and tried grabbing at his wand when he poofed out again. Sean huffed, tapping his foot with a smile.

You could tell he had a good relationship with each of his.. 'brothers' just by the way he didn't get irritated when they did something wrong. Marvin poofed in right beside you and you turned to meet his gaze, startled once again by a Mcloughlin brother. 

He put his finger to his cat mask, signaling you to be quiet. You nodded, giggling and turning around like you hadn't seen anything. He was hunched down besides you, hiding. You kept a pokerface when Sean walked over, completely exhausted with Marvin's poofing.

"Seen-.." He took a deep breath. "Seen Marvin a-anywhere..?" You suppressed a laugh and shook your head. He raised an eyebrow and huffed, nodding and walking away. Marvin's hand popped into view and you high fived him.

"Thanks, (Y/N). I owe ya one." He walked back into the kitchen, grabbing his plate and sitting down like Henrik, Sean, Jameson, Chase and Jackie had done. You grabbed a green apple from the fridge, something orange and shiny catching your attention before you shut it back.

You smiled, sitting down next to Sean in an open seat. Sean looked at you like you'd grown two heads and named one of them Sally. "Aren't you going to eat?" You lifted you apple and took a bite, smiling at him. "You're not that hungry?" 

You nodded sheepishly and he seemed to understand, going back to his food. As soon as he started eating, Anti walked in, sitting beside you with his plate that he poofed into existence somehow. "Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hey, Anti." He raised an eyebrow at you. "So you do know me?" You stopped eating, setting down your apple. "I.. I guess I didn't want to admit I knew you. I've never believed in.. this sort of stuff before now."

He nodded. "That's understandable. I hope you can forgive me for.. what I did." Your cheeks flushed. "That was you?" He nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah.. I don't know what happened, honestly. I've never done anything like that before."

"Not in Sean's body at least."

"It usually only happens if two people have the same feelings for someone."

The Snowstorm (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu