Chapter Twenty-Three: It's Over

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You were running. Running from everything. Your parents, your long time crush, your boyfriend.. your best friend. You couldn't trust anyone anymore. Not even yourself. Everything was imagination here. Everyone. Was. Against. You.

You tripped on a root, scraping your hand and knees. You hissed in pain, getting to your feet and running again. They're on your heels now, chasing after you like you're a wild animal and they've been trying to catch you for months. -And when they do catch you, they'll skin you alive and cut off your head, hanging it above their fireplace for display.

"Run, run, run!" The voice echoed. It didn't seem menacing in the least. It was giving you advice you should have taken years ago. Just run. They're gaining on you. They're going to catch you. Don't let them catch you!

Malicious shadows, licking at your heels. They stretch and twist, gnawing at your limbs like a hundred starving dogs. A light, a tunnel perhaps? No. Another trick. Turn back, (Y/N)! Turn back! You turn left, into more shadows.

This time, a torch is lit. You grab it quickly, resisting the pull of so many clawed and shadowed hands. Your arm is scratched, your knees and hands are raw from the fall. So much pain.. yet so little time to live.

You trip again, falling on your face and eating dirt. You spit, grimacing at the earthy taste. You try to get up but fail. Someone has latched onto your ankle. You kick blindly, hearing a howl of pain from the person.

They let go of you and you scrambled up, running once more. Whoever that was, slowed you down tremendously. You could now hear them taunting you, calling you names and pointing out all of your little failures. 

Tears flowed freely from your eyes like a waterfall of dread, fear and sadness all at once. You keep running, blinking away the blinding tears. "JuSt GiVe In!" You could hear them say. -But you wouldn't. You had so much to live for.

Maybe not.. -but you weren't going to die from a bunch of your past failures, beloved friends and family. You kept running, your lungs burning and your legs going numb. You put your free hand to your chest, feeling your rapid heartbeat.

The flame was keeping away all of the shadows.. but it was so heavy. Weighing you down like an anchor in the middle of the ocean. You furrowed your brow, gripping the only light in this retched place tightly.

You made a split second decision. It was either let it go, or die. So you did, you let it go. The forest burned, catching flame to anything in it's fiery force. Including your life. Your whole life. Everything you've worked for, achieved.

Everything was gone. It's time to start fresh, (Y/N). Start anew. You could hear their cries for help in the blinding light of the flame, clawing at anything and everything to be freed from their prison.. and you smiled. 

You ran, fast. Passing everything as it set ablaze. You can't turn back now. Not now, not ever. Trees burned to the ground and smoke filled your lungs, making you cough. You slowed to a stop, hacking up blood. 

You stared at your hands in complete shock and fear. -Or would you leave this all behind? Regret? Would you make it out alive if you changed everything? Would you make a better future and forget about the past?

..Would you forever let the past chew you to pieces until you were nothing but a mass of nothingness? You coughed again, spewing up blood into the palm of your hand. The flames.. the shadows. they're winning.

You can't escape them. You can NEVER leave this place. Doubt? Breath, (Y/N). In. Out. In. Out.. They can't do this. It isn't fair. They had their chance at a better future. You fell to your knees, squeezing your (e/c) eyes shut, tears rolling down your soot covered face, leaving gray tear streaks.

You struggled, crawling forward as a white light blinded your vision, making you squint. You couldn't call out. You were helpless. Everything you wanted came crumbling down all at once. All around you. 

Dying dreams. Dying hopes. You're dying. You laid there, twitching every so often. How did it come to this? Where were you? How had you gotten to the forest in the first place? When did everyone and everything you loved- turn against you?

Perhaps this was their plan. Confuse you, kill you. Make you think you had a chance to live.. and then crush you piece by piece, bone by bone, hope by hope, dream by dream, life by life, friend by friend.. even Sean was against you.

You chuckled dryly, coughing out smoke and blood, watching it plume out and mix with the fire and blackness. Embers floated through the air, making the scene somewhat beautiful. This is it. This is how you die.

You never though it would be in a fire though. Maybe drowning.. natural causes or a car crash when you were fifty years old. -But not like this. Not so young.. not so painfully. The flames drew closer, closing in on you from all sides, laughing at your helplessness.

You shut your eyes completely, your eyes dry and burning from the smoke and fire. You had no more tears to cry. No more years to live. No more friends to share lovely memories with. Maybe you should have counted your blessings instead of thinking about your failures?

The flames consumed you on all sides, licking at your legs, head, feet and hands. You cried out in extreme agony, arching your aching back. You lifted your arms, batting at the fire to attempt to put it out.. but to no avail.

Your skin charred black, burning from the bone. A sweet, yet bitter smell filled the air, snuffing out the smell of smoke and burning flesh. Like.. roses. You smiled, your lips cracking and bleeding. You no longer felt pain.. only relief.

You let the darkness consume your body and mind.. It was finally over. 

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