Chapter Thirty-Seven: Questions

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The oven pinged and you grabbed the oven mitts, placing them onto your hands and grabbing the glass container. You placed the container onto the stove, taking in that amazing smell.

You cleaned up the kitchen a little bit, throwing away everything you had used to make the lasagna.. since they were now empty and void of anything. You then grabbed the air horn, making your way up the hallway and getting ready to run.

You pressed the red button on the air horn and it made an ear shattering sound. You winced, sprinting up and down the hallway with a half smile. "Marvin, goddammit! I told you not to touch that fucking air horn!" You heard Henrik curse from his room.

You chuckled. They'd heard it. You skipped back to the kitchen, laying the air horn down and placing plates on the table for everyone.

Chase came out of his room, along with Marvin. Chase held up his hand for a high five and Marvin looked at it confusedly. "What did I do to deserve a high five?" Chase chuckled. "What do ya mean, bro? That air horn was a genius idea."

"But it wasn't me.." Chase frowned. "It wasn't?" Marvin shook his head. "No.. but I think (Y/N) might know who did it." He gave you a sly smile, nodding approvingly. You smiled back, blushing. Chase turned his head toward you and raised an eyebrow.

"It was you?" You nodded sheepishly, looking down at your hands. He fist pumped the air, walking over to you and holding up his hand with a smirk. You high fived him, smiling back. He briefly looked up and you could practically feel the blush on his face.

He looked away, toward the stove. His eyes hungrily scoped out the food. You shook your head. "Uh uh. Not yet. Wait for the boys." He shrugged, leaning against the door frame. "Fair enough." As soon as those words left your mouth Sean, Henrik, Jackie and Jameson emerged from their rooms.

You waited for them to notice you. Jameson looked up at you first, smiling. He took out his notepad and furiously scribbled something down. He flipped it over, handing it to you. 'Good morning, (Y/N)!' You smiled, handing it back.

"Good morning to you as well, Jameson." He nodded, looking back to his brothers. He tapped his foot, gaining their attention. He motioned to you and they all gave you a smile. "Mornin' sunshine." Sean greeted.

"Morning, (Y/N)." Jackie waved at you and you cutely waved back, a large smile plastered on your face. "Good morning." Henrik gave you a grin and you held back the urge to encase them all into a warm hug.

You frowned, noticing one person was missing. "Hey guys?" They all looked up. "Have you seen Anti?" Sean shrugged. "He's usually out doing.. stuff.. around this time." You nodded hesitantly. "That's alright. I'll find him later."

Sean took a big whiff, poking his head into the kitchen. "What's that amazin' smell?" You giggled. "Food." Sean's eyes lit up. "Food?!" He practically ran right over his brothers to get to you, bouncing on his heels. "What is it?!"

"I made my famous lasagna. There's one condition that has to be met before you eat my boss as all hell food." Sean and Chase snickered at your use of words while everyone else stayed quiet, waiting for you to continue.

"You have to form a line. -And no goofing around while getting the food." You pointed at all of them accusingly. "Got it?" They all nodded. "Now it goes like this.. Sean, Jameson, Chase, Jackie, Henrik and Marvin."

"It all goes in order like this mostly because I placed you by someone you won't mess with while they're grabbing food. Not that I've seen at least.."

Sean pointed to your head once you were seated. "Don't think we all didn't notice Chase's hat on your head, lassie." Your cheeks flushed. "Chase has been blushing this entire time." You looked up and sneaked a glance at Chase. It was true. He was blushing like mad.

"Why do ya have it on anyway?" You shrugged. "Anti likes taking it so I figured I'd keep it with me instead." Sean shook his head at you. "You didn't answer my question, lass. Why do ya have it on?" You cleared your throat. "No reason.. I'm gonna go look for Anti."

Sean exhaled sharply. "Alright. Just be careful. You don't know how unstable Anti can get after a job.." You gave him a curious glance but he had looked back down into his food before you could question in further. "Yell if ya need me.."

He mumbled something along the lines of, 'if you still can' but you ignored it. You got up from the table, stepping out of the kitchen and into the hallway. You traveling down the hall, stopping at the end where Anti's room was. Each room had metal letters screwed into the door.

You knocked on his door, waiting for an answer. When nothing came from the other side, you opened it and walked in. You shut the door behind you, turning to face his room. You'd made sure to bring his favorite orange soda that you'd seen in the fridge before.

The walls were painted a dark green, the carpet a cream color. His bed sheets were green while his pillows and blanket were black. He had a black dresser along with a small closet and a flat screen TV bolted above the door.

You were turned around to leave when something grabbed your wrist, spinning you around. "Hey there, (Y/N). It's good to see you." Anti smiled, his eyes were a dark-ish green while his sclera was pure darkness, black as night.

His sharp K9's bit into his bottom lip when he smiled, drawing a small amount of blood. Your heart thumped against your chest, your mouth hanging open in an O shape. You swallowed the thick spit gathering at the back of your throat.

The Snowstorm (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ