Chapter Nine: I Hate You

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It was now twelve in the morning and Sean was asleep. You had the perfect gift for him. Even though Sean probably didn't have a gift for you, it's the thought that counts. You ran up to your room to write a letter to him. 

You decided that you'd tell him a few things about you that he didn't know. Like, your accent. If you couldn't woman up enough to give him the letter, then you'd give him something more personal. -And no. It's not your virginity.

You grabbed the old, brown leather bracelet that your dad gave to you if you ever found someone you liked more than a friend. It has the word 'love' engraved onto the inside of the band, very well hidden. He'd see it if he messed with it enough.

You didn't exactly know if you LOVED the man.. no. You had just met him. There's no such thing as love at first sight. Maybe a slight crush, sure. Although, you did feel like you knew him. Watching his videos for so long.

You sighed heavily, getting up from your bed and taking the letter and bracelet with you. You made your way down stairs and stood over Sean's sleeping form cuddled up to Demon on the couch. Those two are a perfect pair.

You sat on the end of the couch, soon falling asleep to Sean's peaceful breathing.

You woke up to a tap on your shoulder, staring into Sean's crystal blue eyes. "Mornin' sleepyhead!" Sean pulled you off the couch and pulled you into the kitchen where you had full view of the clock. 8:34 AM. 

Sean pulled back your seat and you sat down, him pushing the chair up. "What's all this..?" Three pancakes sat on a plate in front of you, blueberries topping it off and whipped cream on the side, syrup running down the fluffy goodness.

"Breakfast, ya goof!"

You laughed, picking up your fork and digging in. Sean sat down next to you, watching you eat. You noticed that he didn't have a plate so you decided to offer him some. "Want some?" Sean laughed. "No. I'm not hungry. But thank you for asking!" As soon as he said that, his stomach growled, making him blush.

You wouldn't accept that so you cut the pancakes in half, getting another fork and setting it into Sean's hand. "Eat." Sean rolled his eyes, smiling before taking a huge bite on his side. This continued until you both were done eating.

"So.. I wanted to tell you something.." He suddenly became nervous, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, wait! I wanted to give you something." You reached into your pocket, reaching for the band instead of the note and pulling it out.

"Here." You beckoned for his wrist and he hesitantly gave it to you so you could put the band on it. "Thanks but- I don't think you're going to be wanting to give me gifts when you hear what I've got to say.." You finish tying it onto his wrist and wait for him to continue, smiling widely at him.

"I'm leaving in a few hours to go to L.A.. Mark said something came up and we have to record sooner than expected. I'm going to be staying there for a few months after as well to spend time with him and his family. I'm sorry, (Y/N).." 

Your smile fell and you were overwhelmed with a sense of depression and dread. "W-What?" Instead of replying to you, he pulled out a perfectly wrapped dark green box with a black bow and handed it to you. 

"But if you'd just open this box-"

You suddenly felt very enraged, grabbing his arm and pulling him toward the door. As soon as he saw what you were going to do he pulled away from your grasp. He stood in front of the door, staring at you in shock.

"(Y-Y/N) just open the-"

"Are you serious right now?!" You tugged the note that explained everything out of your pocket, throwing it on the ground. (Y/N), I'm sorry! Just-" You cut him off. "You know what? Screw you, Sean! Just go." Sean stood there, dumbstruck. "B-But (Y/N)! If you'd just open-" 

You pushed him toward the door. "Just go! I don't want you here anyway.." Tears were freely falling from your eyes now. Sean looked hurt, but so were you. "(Y/N). Please.. don't do this.." You shook your head, not giving in to his pleading and crossed your arms in front of your chest. 

Sean nodded slowly, understanding your decision. He picked up the letter from the ground, pocketing it and giving you a sad smile. "Alright, (Y/N)."

"I'll leave." He opened the door, stepping outside. "Just promise me that you'll open the box when I-" What is with Sean and that damned box? You stomped into the kitchen, grabbing the one thing Sean left for you.

You strode back into the living room while Sean was heading back to his car. "-AND TAKE THIS DAMN BOX WITH YOU!" You made sure to say it slowly so your Irish wouldn't show. Sean looked back at you with sad eyes. You knew he wasn't going to read the note so why bother showing him now?

You threw the box outside as he watched, you could have sworn he was crying too, but he turned back and hopped into his car, driving off without another word. Before he got out of the driveway you made sure to say something he'd never forget. "I HATE YOU, SEAN!"

 You dropped to your knees, head in hands. What had you done to deserve this? On Christmas too. He didn't even bother leaving his phone number for you to call. What a jerk.

He was probably only looking for a one night stand. You shakily got up and slammed the door, leaving the box in still pouring snow. You made your way upstairs and into your room, slamming that door as well and hopping onto your bed next to a confused looking Demon.

You caressed his fur as he curled up next to you, whining every so often. "It's okay, boy. He's not coming back.. We just weren't worth it to him to stay.." More tears flowed from your eyes, pooling around your neck like a watery noose as you buried your face in Demon's fur.

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