Chapter Twelve: Just Friends

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It is now Tuesday, the uh.. oh shit. *Grabs calendar* The *Ahem* uh.. hold on. 27th? Yes. The 27th. It is now Tuesday, the 27th. You had to stay another night at your parents after they basically told you to get a boyfriend and move out.

You're on your way to the cabin, bobbing your head to another Shinedown song called Bully. You grab your phone, making a call. "Shit.. can't do that. No reception." You put your phone back into your jacket pocket and take a (Oh shit wait a minute which way?!) left turn. 

You're now five minutes away and you're anxiety is through the roof. What if the box isn't there? What if it was eaten by wolves? What if the wolves are looking for their baby and they ransacked your home? A lot of what ifs are plaguing your mind.

You turn right, into your driveway, getting out of your Raptor and picking up the shovel you took from the garage so you could search through the melting snow. You search around in the area that you remember throwing it in (Photographic memory, remember?) and dig.

But.. it's not there. "Fook! No! Where is it?" Your eyes search the fallen snow until it lands on the neatly wrapped box, untouched and lying on your doorstep. You walk over to it, forgetting your abandoned shovel and picking it up.

A note is attacked to it, along with a.. red rose? You don't remember that being there. You read the note very carefully as to not skim over anything important. 

Dear Dudette, 

Hey, bro! We can see how happy you make our.. buddy, Jack! So in case you wanted to come back for this box, we saved it from being wrecked in the snow! Now, you can't ask our names. It'd.. give too much away! We can't have you passing out now can we? I guess I'll call myself.. Chad for now. -And uh.. Henry? Picked out the rose! I guess we'll see each other real soon if you're reading this.


                         Another bro!

 You looked curiously at the note before putting it into your pocket for safe keeping. Maybe Sean would know something about it? You shrugged, opening your door with your key and shutting it behind you.

You seat yourself on the armrest of your couch, unwrapping the box carefully and taking a look inside. Two pieces of paper and one.. ticket? Sit inside. You gingerly take up one paper, gasping at it's words. A phone number.. probably Jack's. -And.. the second one is.. an address?

You place the two papers in your pocket, careful not to drop them. The ticket is for a plane to.. L.A... "Oh, Sean.. I'm so sorry! I'm probably too lat-" You look at the ticket and smile happily. You'd made it just in time. The plane ride is for Wednesday, 5:00 PM tomorrow.

You just hope Sean hasn't lost hope that you're coming.. 

                                                                            ~Sean's POV~

I don't think she's coming. She hasn't texted.. or called me to notify that she's coming. "Jack? You've been in there for a while now.. shouldn't you come eat lunch?" Mark. I sighed, getting up from the bed and walking over to the door, opening it.

"Yeah! Be down in a second!" I put on a cheery smile and walked down stairs, into the kitchen. Mark set down a ham sandwich and a glass of water, smiling at me as well. He sat down beside me with his own sandwich, taking a huge bite.

He noticed me staring at my food and frowned, setting his down. "What's got you down in the dumps?" I laughed, putting on another smile. "I'm okay! Just thinking of video ideas!" I picked up my food, taking a small bite to satisfy him. 

"Jack.. What's wrong?"

I sighed. Sometimes I wish he wasn't so.. all knowing. "I- It's just.. That girl I was talking about.." He chuckled, taking another bite and a sip of his water. "You like this girl don't you?" He teased, a smug smile playing at his lips.

"N-No! That's not-" Is it? Do I really like her? Maybe? No. We're just friends. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. "That's not.. Look, Mark-" His smile grew wider at my stuttering. "You do!" I rolled my eyes, smiling as well.

"No Mark. We're just friends. Nothing more."

He nodded. "Yeah okay." He started kissing the air and making weird sounds. "Sean and (Y/N) sittin' in a tree-" I cut him off, a blush forming on my cheeks. "Mark-!" He cut me off as well. "K I S S I N G!"

"Mark! It's not going to happen, okay?!"

He chuckled, finishing off his sandwich. "Wertevr ou ay, Jack." He swallowed his food, giving me a sly smile and putting his dish in the sink before running to the entryway of the kitchen, in a 'I'm about to bolt' position. "Just want to tell you, I ship it!"


I chased him out of the kitchen and into the living room where he opened the front door as I was about to catch him and dashed outside. I followed close behind as he grabbed a water gun, squirting me in the face. "HA!"

I grabbed one too, squirting his side as he jumped out of the way. "Hey! I'll have you know this is my favorite shirt!" I smirked, aiming for his face. "Then I won't shoot your shirt." His eyes widened and he jumped out of the way again, the water missing his face and getting his red hair.

"My hair!"

"You started it!" I snapped my finger into a 'Z' shape and put my hand on my hip. "Sean, you're such a diva!" I laughed, squirting him in the face as he was distracted by my sass. "Hey! No fair!" He squirted me on the arm and we both started chasing each other around the yard.

"No! You win! You win!" 

He was trapped between his fence and the shed, perfect time to soak him through. I aimed right at his chest, giving him a devilish grin. The water shot out of my gun, hitting him right where the sun doesn't shine.

"Ooohhh.." He fell to his knees, holding his groin in pain. "Sorry man, didn't think it'd be a problem to aim from this distance." A smirk grew on my face. "Race you to the house!" I took off running and I could hear him cursing in the distance. 


The Snowstorm (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora