Chapter Thirty-Two: The Last Laugh

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You didn't quite hear that last part, but you didn't want to disturb Anti's eating either. He might snap and break your neck, dragging you outside and hanging you on a rack so the crows can peck at your body, leaving nothing behind and then burying your bones in his graveyard..

Anti cleared his throat, looking at you like you'd stabbed yourself in the chest and given your heart to him to prepare in a soup. He shook his head, laughing quietly. "You sure do have some disturbing thoughts, don't ya?"

You gave him a questioning stare and he laughed again, patting your shoulder. "I'll tell ya later, lass." You nodded, finishing off your apple and getting up from the dining room table to throw it away. As soon as you did, you sat back down. 

"Hey Sean," He looked up at you, spaghetti sauce all over his face and a noodle sticking to his cheek. You choked back laughter and pointed at him. "Y-Your face.." His cheeks reddened and he desperately wiped at his face with a napkin.

He looked back over at you with a small smile, clearing his throat. "Y-Yeah, (Y/N)?" You sighed, fiddling with the end of your leather jacket. "You said I could get to know everyone at dinner. No one's talking though. Is it because of me?"


"They're not used to pretty girls eating dinner with them." Anti interrupted Jack and winked at you, chuckling softly and patting your back again. "Don't worry, they'll talk eventually. Marvin and Chase seem to like you though."

You found yourself thinking about the egos.. again. You'd done this many times before after you watched Sean's videos. Unlike most fans out there, you're favorite ego wasn't the psychopathic Anti. It was Chase. 

Second favorite is Henrik.. and so on. Anti was most likely your last favorite, but you hadn't thought past JJ. "/N)? Hey, (Y/N)? You okay?" Sean was shaking you, trying to get your attention. Oops.. you'd been staring at Chase the whole time.

You looked back over to Sean, your cheeks flushing as you tried to hold back nervous laughter. You didn't get to see Chases reaction to you staring.. and you were grateful to avoid that one at least. "Y-Yeah?"

"You kind of zoned out on us.. you okay?" You nodded, smiling at him. "Yeah. I'm okay.. Just thinking.." Sean gave you a half smile back. "Alright. I was getting worried there, lass." He chuckled, patting your hand. 

"Alright.. I guess everyone's finished then?" All of the egos nodded. You had gotten a chance to get a look at all of them and you about fell out of your chair, but this time you couldn't hold your laughter in. "Y-Your.. Oh my God~!" 

They all looked at you like you'd gotten a job at NASA and thought that you could be sent into space without a suit. Your laughter died down and you wiped at the tears forming in your eyes, your sides hurt and you were gasping for breath. "Okay, okay. I-I'm done.." 

"It's just.. you all have sauce and or noodles on your face."

"Also.. I don't know how he did it but.. Chase has a noodle moustache." They all scrambled for their napkins as you sat there, smirking and about to burst into another fit of intense laughter. Anti's hand popped up beside you and you high fived him.

"I've never seen them move so fast before.." Sean stared at them in fake awe, resisting the urge to laugh like you did. "See, Jack? Told ya we needed a girl around the house!" Sean rolled his eyes at Anti, waving him off.

The only one who wasn't frantically wiping at their face was Chase, who was leaning back in his chair with a satisfied expression. Although Jameson wasn't rushing to get it off either.. he was careful. Chase saw you staring and he shrugged.

"What? I'm proud of my noodle moustache." You giggled at him and he smiled back. "Well.. I'm gonna go play some Bo2.. You have that game right? I know it's a bit old but-" Sean cut you off. "It's fine. -And ya, we have it."

"Great. I'm gonna get to it before those goons do." Anti and Sean nodded in unison and you stepped out of the kitchen, turning on the ps4 and popping in Black Ops 2. As soon as it was done loading, you got into an online lobby and waited for three more people to enter.

As soon as it started, you rounded the corner of the bus in Nuke Town and got shot immediately by a sniper. "Goddammit! You son of a bitch!" When the respawn countdown was over, you tracked that player down and shot him repeatedly with your Scorpion, killing him.

"Revenge! I will smite you all." You glared at the screen, determination coursing through your veins. You snuck up behind someone who was afk and knifed them, T-bagging their corpse. "This is why multiplayer isn't meant for kids.." 

You could hear the kid screaming into their headset at you, cursing quietly so their mother couldn't hear them. You smiled slyly, popping another guy in the head with your blue afterlife sniper. You cackled maniacally, getting a double kill.

After a few minutes, the match was over, you being in the top with only three deaths and thirty-seven kills. Someone clapped from behind you and you turned around the meet the gazes of all the egos. Chase smiling victoriously. "Henrik, you owe me fifty bucks."

Henrik grumbled, handing over a fifty to Chase. "You guys bet? On what?" Chase laughed, pocketing the fifty. "I bet that you wouldn't get five deaths and Henrik took the challenge. Henrik.. you were two away from victory. Luckily, she's better than you expected."

You chuckled, turning off the ps4. "Well.. that's enough adrenaline for one day. Wait.. were you here through all of that..?" They all nodded at you. "So.. you heard all that..? About the smiting and the.. the torture..?" Anti laughed, clamping a hand onto your back.

"All of us have raged, (Y/N). Just not.. that intense." You punched his shoulder playfully, laughing as well.

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