Chapter Thirty: Me Myself and I

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It had been three days and you were leaving in the morning. You just hope they were cooperative with your decisions. Two hours until you have to leave for the airport and you don't even have a ride.. maybe you'll call an Uber?

But you've misplaced your phone somehow.. You shrugged, carrying your suitcases downstairs. A noise from upstairs made you stop and turn around. You listened closely for a few seconds before heading to the door and deciding it was nothing.

"I would have thought you wouldn't leave without this." Mark tapped you on the shoulder, showing you your phone. You had jumped slightly, but smiled when you saw it was just Mark. You gratefully grabbed your phone- or tried to.

Mark snatched it away before you could and you frowned. "Alright Mark, what do you want?" He smiled happily, scooping you up into his arms and whispering, "You." Before you could say anything, he covered your mouth to prevent you from doing so.

"Shush, Princess. You don't want to make me angry.. do you?" Your heart thumped loudly in your chest and you shook your head rapidly, out of fear. He gave you a half smile and dragged you into the living room.. or what was the living room.

The scene around you melted away and morphed into what looked like a basement. He sat you down onto a chair and told you to sit still unless you wanted to face the consequences.. whatever those were.

He chained you down, moving back to examine his work. "That should do." He rolled his eyes. "Unless you're a magician." Was this all for YouTube? What had you done to deserve this kind of treatment? 

"One.. It's not for YouTube, this is VERY real." He trailed off, sighing. "-And two, you've done nothing wrong other then disobey my orders." You were at your breaking point now. You growled lowly, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Then why are you doing this to me?"

"Don't you see? You can't leave. I won't let you." He paced in front of you. "Although.. I can't seem to find-" The rest of his sentence was cut off when the door slammed shut. "Right here." He turned to face none other than Sean himself.

"Ah. There you are. You've got guard duty for the next three hours." Sean huffed, crossing his arms impatiently. "But why me? Why not you? I'm bored." Mark rolled his eyes again, walking to the door and opening it. "Just make sure she doesn't leave."

Before Sean could protest, Mark slammed the door shut in his face. When Sean was sure Mark was out of ear shot he rushed over to you, checking you for bruises. "You alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" You frowned, slowly shaking your head.

"I know you must have many questions, bro. I'll answer them later. We have to leave now." You nodded, smiling slightly. "-Before he realizes I'm not actually Anti." That sentence made you very confused, but before you could question him he released you from your chains and helped you up.

You nodded gratefully and he took your hand, a light blush forming on your cheeks. "Marvin." Sean whispered quietly. Purple smoke filled the room and a man in a cat mask with green hair and a cape appeared, smiling brightly. 

The man known as Marvin was in the middle of bowing when Sean shook his head, a light scowl gracing his features. "Not now, Marvin. We have to leave." Marvin frowned slightly, nodding. He took out a wand from his sleeve and you suppressed the urge to laugh.

"A toy wand? Seriously?" 

Marvin looked at you like you'd eaten cereal dry and broke the bowl over your head screaming, 'Beast Mode' at the top of your lungs. "What? This wand holds great power!" He wooshed the wand around his head to prove his point, sparks flying everywhere.

A hat appeared in Marvin's hand and he gave it to Sean who smiled, putting it atop his head. "I missed this hat. Where'd you find it Marvin bro?" Marvin shrugged, offering Sean a small smile. Marvin then shook his head, putting a finger to his lips. 

Sean seemed to understand and a light blush formed on his cheeks. "Right.. Quiet." Marvin produced his wand for the second time and winked at you, making you blush heavily.. again. 

He said some mumbo jumbo words and the purple smoke that had dissipated, rolled in again, consuming you and your surroundings. You couldn't see anything now. You closed your eyes, terrified and clinging onto Sean's arm. 

 A few seconds later, someone tapped you on the shoulder and you hesitantly opened them again. You squinted in the light. You were standing in the middle of a living room. A flat screen TV sat on top of a table and many consoles were wired in front of it. 

The shag carpet, besides the small, fresh orange stain was pure white and the couch was the same color, kind of blinding if you'd asked yourself. The kitchen was behind the couch, out in the open.

It had light brown leno flooring and an island out in front with hanging pots and pans above it. The fridge was a nice and shiny silver color, along with the toaster, coffee machine and microwave.

But that wasn't what fascinated you and horrified you all at the same time. Many Sean lookalikes were arguing with each other. "Who spilled the orange soda?!" The one in the black exclaimed impatiently. 

They all pointed to the one in a white lab coat. He shrugged, giving the one in black a nervous chuckle. "It's.. just soda?" The one in black squinted at him. "Just soda?" The dapper one laughed silently and held up a notepad with something written down that you could just barely see. 

'Now you've done it!' Right after the lab coat guy read that, the one in black pounced on him. "That was my favorite fookin' soda, you dick!" All of them you recognized. "The last soda! I'm gonna kill you!" 

Jackieboy man, Henrik, Anti, Jameson.. and now you knew the other two who rescued you. Chase and Marvin. But where was the real Sean? You didn't know.. and frankly, you were too passed out to care.

The Snowstorm (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang