Chapter Five: Nightmare

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You and Sean had just finished playing Truth or Dare and the snowstorm had gotten worse with each passing second. "I s-should really g-get more l-logs for the fire." You motioned toward the empty tray where your parents usually put the logs.

"N-No I'll d-do it." 

You shook your head. "I-It's my home S-Sean." You only called him that when you were being serious, he knew. He hesitantly nodded, rubbing his arms to create warmth. "O-Okay." You got up from the couch and made your way over to the door, hand on the knob to open it.

You tugged on the knob. Nothing. "T-The door's stuck.." Sean made his way over to you, pulling on the knob as well. "S-Shite. W-What are we s-supposed to do n-now?" You shrugged, sitting on the couch again.

"I'll g-go get s-some blankets for u-us."

You nodded, squeezing your arms against your sides. A few minutes later Sean came back with three thick blankets, throwing them over you and him on the couch. "I'm s-still f-foo-" You calmed yourself, taking a deep breath of cold air. "Fuckin' c-cold."

"Why d-do you d-do that?"

You gave him a questioning look. "D-Do w-what?" He turned toward you slowly as to not create an unwanted breeze. "T-Take a deep b-breath every time you g-get mad?" You sighed, fiddling with a string on the blanket.

"N-Nothing.. d-doesn't matter." You weren't ready to tell him about your accent just yet. He just nodded, pulling himself over to your side and leaning against you. "W-What are y-you doing?" He chuckled airily. "H-How else d-do you e-expect us to get w-warm?" 

"O-Oh.. Okay." You hesitantly pulled him closer to you, basking in his body heat. "T-Thanks S-Sean." He smiled. "I-It's no p-problem. G-Gotta keep w-warm you k-know?" You nodded knowingly. 

After a good thirty minutes of complete silence, you both fell asleep due to lack of food. You didn't want to chance getting up and having to restart the warmth process so you stayed put for a while.

An hour or two later Sean woke up with a start. He'd had a dream about Anti again. They were getting worse as it neared Christmas.. It was now December 23rd, no where near Halloween. He shouldn't be longing to get out yet. He'd had his fun.

Sean was is such a deep thought that he didn't notice he'd been staring at your peacefully sleeping face the whole time. He looked back down, blushing profusely. "If only she knew.." He carefully placed his head back down on your arm, getting comfortable again.

He knew what Anti was capable of and what he'd done to Signe to make her break up with him. It was all his fault, he knew. If he would have just told her about him.. it wouldn't have turned out the way it had. He still loved her with all his heart, but she couldn't take it anymore.

Now.. he had a crush to deal with. It was a small crush.. so he shouldn't be worried about it, right? If Anti knew about it.. he'd try to take her from him. His crush, that is. Anti always takes what isn't his to take. 

His excuse has always been, "What's yours is mine. I am apart of you whether you like it or not." accompanied by that bone-chilling smirk of his. That's exactly what drove Signe away. That.. among other things. Sean didn't mind his want to share.. but..

When he had hurt the one he loved the most.. it became a problem. An unwanted virus. An unrelenting THING.. living inside of his shell of a body. Anti never lets him forget. Not. Once. Constantly showing up in videos and killing him like it's nothing.

For Sean, he wakes up every time with an excruciating migraine, stitches, hunger, thirst and a worried girlfriend because Sean hadn't called or texted in three days. It's a living hell that Anti seems to enjoy so much. 

Although Anti may seem like a bloodthirsty, knife wielding, human slaying, dark soul having, sanity destroying, killing machine, he's.. ok when you get to know him or.. he used to be. He got so tired of living in the shadows that his sanity slowly dwindled. 

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. Sean knows that all he needs is a little TLC to get him going again. Maybe you're the one who can help him..

Sean's thoughts were interrupted by you shifting under him. You unconsciously pulled him closer to you, squeezing him tightly into a warm embrace. Your eyebrows were knitted together and your mouth hung open. It was almost as if you were in pain..

Sean shot straight up, shaking your shoulders. "(Y/N)?" He didn't want you to go through dreams like those. He knew what they felt like. He shook you again, this time much harder than the last. "(Y/N)?!" 

You shot up like he had a few minutes ago, your forehead crashing into his. "Ouch!" He stumbled back, hitting his head on your leno flooring. You didn't care about the pain you were in anymore. 

"Sean?" You got up and squatted beside him, cradling him in your arms. "Are you okay?" He gave you a weak smile that told you he was, despite the red bump on his forehead that you'd created. "Here. Let me get you some ice." He nodded and you got up to go get it.

You came back seconds later with a blue packet wrapped in paper towel, handing it to him. "Thanks, (Y/N) but.. what about you?" He pointed to your own growing bump on your head, holding the ice to his, but you waved it away.

"No. It's fine. I'm fine."

He hesitated, but nodded anyway. "So.. why did you wake me up?" He laughed weakly, standing up and sitting next to you on the couch. "You were having a nightmare.. it seemed like you were in pain."

-And you were. When you woke up you could still feel the knife jutting out of your ribcage as you desperately tried to stop the bleeding. But it was just a dream.. so you should be okay. Right?

"No. I'm fine. That's just.. how I sleep."

Sean seemed doubtful but he nodded anyway, leaving both of you to your own thoughts.

The Snowstorm (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now