Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Time is Ticking

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"There's no need to be afraid, (Y/N). I won't hurt a fragile flower like yourself." He growled. "Unless you do something that I don't like." He released you, smiling once again. You decided it would be best to change the subject so you lifted the orange soda.

He stared at it for a second before looking back to you. "Were did you find that? I thought Henrik spilled the last one.." You shook your head. "I think someone might have been hiding this one from you."

You placed it into his hands. "I also made some lasagna.. Do you want any?" He chuckled. "Yeah. But (Y/N)?" You looked back at him. "Yeah Anti?" He bit his bottom lip. "Can you eat in here.. with me?" You nodded. "Sure."

As soon as you grabbed a plate from the kitchen you walked back to his room, opening the door and shutting it behind you as you entered. He looked at you curiously. "You're not eating?" You shook your head. "Not hungry.."

"But you haven't eaten in days." You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. "How did you know that? Have you been watching me?" He hummed in response, grabbing the plate and picking up the fork from the side, taking a huge bite.

"Hey (Y/N)? Why are you wearing Chase's hat?" You blushed a deep red. "Uh well.. You kept stealing it and I wanted to keep it safe so Marvin wouldn't have to use any magic to get it back from your room."

"You didn't answer my question, lass." He put his half eaten plate down, staring at you expectantly. "I.." You knew you couldn't get out of answering this again. Anti was just like Sean in some ways.. so curious.

You shifted nervously on his bed, looking down at your hands. You couldn't lie.. but you couldn't tell the truth either. What was a girl suppose to do in a situation like this? Suddenly, an idea came to you. You were iffy about it but.. it could work.

You pulled him closer by his shirt, pressing your lips to his. He stared at you wide eyed but soon he had melted into the kiss, his black sclera glitching back to their normal milky white. He wrapped his arms around you, tugging you nearer to him to deepen the kiss.

One of his hands drifted to your cheek, cupping it while the other kept you in place by the back of your neck.

You sat there for what felt like an eternity until you both had to pull away for air. As much as you'd hate to admit.. He was indeed a good kisser. After a few seconds of staring at each other, he finally spoke up. "Not that it wasn't a welcome surprise but.. Why did you kiss me?"

You stood up, edging your way to the door until your hand was on the doorknob. "I kissed you because I didn't want to answer your earlier question about Chase. Good diversion, eh?" And with that, you yanked open the door and scurried out, shutting it behind you.

You didn't know this but.. Anti wasn't mad at you for what you did. I mean, he was. -But it was a mix between angry and impressed. He didn't think someone like you would be capable of something like that. You proved him wrong, good job.

You sighed, walking back into the kitchen. You stopped, stepping back out when you heard Sean talking. "I'm worried about why Dark hasn't made a move yet.. You all know that when he wants something he gets it."

Henrik spoke up. "I vouldn't doubt zhat he's making a plan as ve speak." Chase nodded. "That's true. But what are we going to do about (Y/N)? It's not like we can protect her forever.. even if we'd like to." You frowned, straining to hear their hushed voices.

"That's a good point, Chase.." There was a moment of silence before Sean spoke again. "You're right, JJ. Not all of Mark's egos are on Dark's side.. Maybe we can team up? I know Google doesn't have a preference.. but what about Wil?"

"Out of the question! Wil almost killed me when I drank the rest of the milk." Sean sighed. "Marvin, that was a while ago. I'm sure he's.. forgiven you." Marvin scoffed, setting down his fork that'd he'd been playing with the whole time. "A man who thinks death is a joke? Please."

"What about you, Jackie? Got any ideas?" 

Jackie shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "I think you're right, Sean. If Wil teams up with Dark we're screwed. -And if he gets Google to somehow agree.." He trailed off, shivering. "No telling what kind of damage they'll do."

"What about Host?"

"Host? I don't know man, he's dangerous. He seems to pop up out of no where.." Chase made a face and Sean laughed. "Yeah but Host is a good guy all in all." A loud bang made you wince. "Oh! Sorry JJ. What do you have to.. write?"

"I.. I don't think it would be wise to freak (Y/N) out by telling her. She's already been through a lot." Chase exhaled through his nose. "But on the other hand if we don't tell her she might not trust us anymore. We need her to trust us. She plays an important role in all of this, Sean."

"You're right, Chase.. It's just-" Sean sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Not today.. let her have a few days to rest and eat a decent meal before we lay down the news." Chase shook his head. "A few days might be too late.. what then? Is sorry going to be enough when she's gone?"

He growled, getting up from the table. "I'm not risking her life! It's either you tell her or I do. I'll give you 24 hours, Sean. I can't lose someone else because of my stupid decisions.." He choked back a sob. "I can't deal with that again."

You quickly hid in the bathroom as Chase passed by, slamming the door to his room as he entered. You could just barely hear Sean dismiss everyone while he cleaned up the mess on the kitchen table.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door. You opened it hesitantly, your cheeks flushed. Jameson stood there, his eyebrow raised in amusement. He took out his notepad and scribbled something down onto it, turning it around so you could see.

'You look flustered, are you okay?' You gulped down the spit forming in your throat and nodded. "Yeah.. I'm okay, Jameson. I was just about to take a shower.. Thanks though." He nodded, giving you a small salute and then walking to his room.

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