Chapter 9: To Kill, Or Not To Kill...

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Chapter 9: To Kill, Or Not to Kill?

Yeah, I know that title is so mean and provocative!! But for some reason I'm enjoying playing with your emotions; I think Thalia is beginning to take over me somehow... O_o

Okay, PLEASE READ THIS!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Just clarifying, Liam is a ghost that is trapped in a struggle between Earth and The Afterlife. Because he still feels vengeance toward Louis, he cannot pass on and into The Afterlife (Heaven or Hell). So, until Louis is killed, Liam will not be able to find peace. This is quite a complicated theory explained in many paranormal books/stories.

And just do you guys know, Liam's death will be the goriest and most horrific. You don't have to fear of a repeat of that. And also, I get it, this is totally out-of-character for Niall. I understand I know, so PLEASE, stop sending me messages about it!! :|

Oh, hope you enjoyed my little education! ;)

Songs for this chapter:

- 'This is For You (Live Acoustic-Piano Sessions)' by The Dirty Youth

- 'Blessed With A Curse' by Bring Me The Horizon

- 'Crucify Me' by Bring Me The Horizon


The rain had stopped.

It was light again; streaming through the smudged glass like a ray of pure happiness over them. It illuminated the corner, and where Liam's body had disappeared. It had gone, but the stench and death still lingered like fog in the cellar. For days it seemed, Niall watched Louis with fierce eyes; like daggers cutting into his skin.

But Louis was too preoccupied with his love to notice much. That and his indescribable fear for what Thalia brought in the future. Zayn, who hadn't moved from where he trembled in the shadows, found a tally of slashes into the wall. When he woke up everyday, a new mark would be inscribed into the concrete. There was 16. One for each day they had been locked there.

Once finding it, they started to remember there family; longing for the fragile world outside, and the people that loved them. Thalia could see the home-sick glint in their eyes; or maybe they were tears, but nonetheless, she would play on their fickle emotions.

"NEEEEEEEEEEEW GAYME, MY LOVELIES!!" A soft laugh echoed through the room, like she was right near them; beside them.

They shook at the thought.

"Well, it's not really new I guess." she sighs. "You'll know what I mean soon enough..." Her voice was light, but she didn't seem as enthusiastic or upbeat as usual. Almost tired, bored.

"T.V., do your thing..."

The television sparked to life, flashing onto a channel with some news. In terror, all the boys whimpered and cuddled tighter to the closest, warmest thing they could find. Their eyes were connected to the screen.

There was a girl taking up most of the screen. She was bawling her eyes out, hiccuping and surrounded by microphones and hands. All their breaths caught, and Louis heart constricted; like somebody was ringing it out to let all of his hope drip onto the floor.

Her usually straight blonde hair was tousled and messed, eyes wet and dropped after hours of searching; hours of lost sleep. Her once crisp blue eyes were dull, bloodshot, fogged by tears. She hid most of her face, just like Louis', behind her hands. They were dirty and mud-covered from clawing through soil.

"It's Lottie..." Niall cries, and Harry threatens to snap, telling him that it was obvious and that all he just did was shove the dagger deeper into Louis chest. With a concerned gaze, he quickly looked at Louis. He stared at the screen with disbelief. His face was twisted and hand grasping his chest like he was in physical pain. Little beads of water were against the corners of his eyes. At the sight, Harry's heart softened.

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