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Sooorrrryyy guuuuyys

I know this is a short chapter, but I'm about to finish up my university degree so I've barely had any time. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway. 

Lots of love, xxxxx


"My little baby boo-boo," I gush, leaning over to Oliver.

"You're adorable," he laughs.

I press my face into his bicep, the centre console dogging into my ribs.

"Is this distracting?" I question.


"Is it dangerous?"


"Should I stop?"

"Please don't."

I laugh at him, returning my upper body to my seat. My hands remain on him though, not wanting to let go.

"I love your car," I say. "It smells like you."

"You can have it if you want."

"What?" I chuckle. "You're crazy."

"I'm serious. I can just get you your own."

"You're crazy!" I repeat. "I hope our kids treat their partners like you treat me."

"Our kids?"

"Well, yeah," I smirk.

"It's okay, baby. We'll raise them right."

"Damn straight. Hopefully, they're as nurturing as you."

"And as tough as you."

"You're way tougher than me! You're always so unemotional and suave, and your muscles are so damn sexy. You're like a stone!"

"A stone?" he chuckles.

"My sweet little stone boy."

He laughs at me, but our happiness is interrupted by the ringing of my phone. It's my brother.

"Hey Liam," I say. "I'm in the car with Ollie. What's up?"

"I just got off the phone with dads doctor."

"Oh, how did that do?"

"Not bad," he sighs. "She spoke to mum and managed to convince her to let us keep an eye on them until dads ready to go back to therapy."

"We have to babysit them again?"

We've done this before. An extra set of eyes. Not just to help mum out, but as a distraction for dad and keep track of symptoms, etcetera.

"Yep. I'm here now, but I need to be in the office early tomorrow, so I can't spend the night. Do you mind taking over later tonight?"

"That's fine. What about tomorrow?"

"His carer is there tomorrow, and I'll spend the night tomorrow. Can you do the day after?"

"Of course."

"I know it's a huge pain, but I don't know what else to do."

"No, Liam. It's fine. Thank you for organising that. I don't mind at all."

"I'll get mum to start looking into some full-time help so this babysitting shouldn't be long."

"It's alright, Liam. We can deal with it all."

"Oh, shit he grumbles. "Mum just dropped the kettle, I've got to go."

He hangs up the call before I can respond, but that's okay.

"Is everything alright?" Ollie asks.

"I need to spend the night at my parent's place tonight."

"Oh. Your dads not doing any better?"


"I'm sorry, baby," he grumbles.

"It's okay. There's nothing you can do about it."

"Are you sure? Can I fund something or..."

"No, no," I shake my head. "You're very sweet, but we're taking care of it."

"Well, let me know if there's anything I can do, baby. I'll drive you over there tonight."

"You're an angel," I grin, leaning over to press a kiss on his cheek.

"How are you dealing with it?" he asks.

"To be honest," I sigh. "It makes me want to scream and run away."

"You can, if you want. I have a house in Alaska we can go to."

"Alaska?!" I gasp. "That sounds amazing! Can you ski or snowboard?"


"Can you teach me?"

"Of course. It'll be fun."

"Ugh, but we can't leave," I sigh. "I need to be responsible and look after my family. I can't leave Liam."

"We can go for a week or two if you like?"

"Can you take that long off work?"

"I can do whatever I like."

"It's almost your birthday," I wriggle my eyebrows.

"You want to go then?"

"Yes!" I cheer. "I was meant to work more before the semester starts, but I can take a bit of time off."

"You know, if you're struggling or anything, you can always just ask me for anything."

"I'm not going to be financially dependent on you."

"But you can be."

"I don't want to."

"That's okay," he says. "Just know that. The money is there for you to use whenever you like."

"Thanks Ollie. I really do appreciate you and all your support, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby."

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