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The cool air hits my face, blowing my curls backwards. I lean against the brick wall, hoping to remove some weight from my heels.

"It's fucking freezing," I grumble.

Mary nods, lighting a cigarette between her lips.

"You can go back inside," Aretta says. "Just be safe."

"Nah," I shake my head. "I don't want to go in without you."

"Not even to make out with that cute boy?" Ari teases.

"Lucy's gonna get the D!" Mary sings.

"Oh shush!" I scowl, laughing at them.

We've been at this party for far too long, but we're not ready to go home. It's our last girls night before the boys get back tomorrow, and we are taking full advantage of it.

The thought of them makes me reconsider the man inside.

"Actually," I begin. "I think I'll go get the D."

"Yes, bitch!" Ari cheers.

"Fuck yes!" Mary grins.

I smile at them and peek my head through the window in the door beside me. I slide it open, letting the loud music pump through me. I dodge some bodies as I walk through the dining room, and finally spot the guy in the kitchen.

He's a fairly jacked dude, but only a little taller than my 5'8 frame. He's filling up his cup at the keg, so I take my opportunity.

"Could I have some too?" I ask, holding my cup at him.

He looks up, smiling over at me. He's been checking me out all evening.

"Of course you can, sexy," he smirks.

Okay, bad choice of words, but he hasn't turned me off yet. I hold my cup beneath the tap, and let him pour it in.

"You having a good time?" I ask.

"Better now that you're here."

I laugh at him, but his words are so unappealing.

"Very smooth," I lie, leaning a little further into him.

"You like that, huh?"

I lean against the counter next to him, purposefully pressing my arm against his.

"What's your name?" I ask him, peeking up at him.

"Lewis," he says. "You're Lucy Robins, right?"

Fuck. I scoff.

"You've got the wrong girl."

"You sure? You look exactly like her."

"Sorry, dude. I've never heard of her," I laugh.

"Liam Robins sister," he tells me. "She used to date Oliver Ferrari."

He just had to say his damn name, didn't he?

"The one from Ferrari Freight?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you don't know," he says. "I thought girls loved him."


"Do you want to hook up, or not?" I grumble.

"Wow, relax," he chuckles awkwardly. "I was just trying to make conversation."

Well, fuck this.

I don't bother responding. I just turn around and walk away, ignoring him calling after me.

So much for a distraction.

On my way back outside, I grab a half-empty bottle of vodka from the dining table, unable to think of anything else to keep my mind off the disaster that's guaranteed to occur far too soon.

Being Liam Robins sister, wouldn't be this bad if I wasn't also Oliver Ferrari's ex-girlfriend.

Oliver is the owner of a billion-dollar company, Ferrari Freight. He's only a year older than my brother, but his father had been grooming him for the job since he was a kid. In their senior year, he offered each of our graduating friends a job in his company, including my brother, and our friends Kaleem and Alex.

But, they had to train for it first. Usually, to get that high up in a business, you'd have to go to college, and climb the ladder through the company. Oliver gave them an easier way to be successful, and they took it.

And now, at 21, Oliver is the youngest CEO in the world. By the time he took over, we'd already been apart for two years.

Ferrari Freight has a number of offices around the world, including in Milan, where the business originated. There had been some kind of disaster happen in the business, and Oliver's father, Stefan Ferrari, sent the boys there as part of their training. I still have no idea what the disaster was, nor do I know why it took them three entire years to fix.

They left a week after graduation, ending my brief but powerful relationship with Oliver.

I was only 16 at the time, but it has haunted me ever since. And now, I've just turned 19, Oliver is about to turn 22, and we haven't seen each other in three years.

The original plan was to stay for two years, but it took longer than they thought.

Tomorrow is the day they finally return.

I shudder at the thought and bring the vodka to my lips.

"Mary!" I call, stepping outside.

She's still standing next to the door with Aretta, but her cigarette is almost gone.

"No dick?" Mary asks.

"We need to get drunk!" I yell.

"You've already had six beers, and now you're walking around with a bottle of vodka?" Ari scowls. "I think you've had enough for the day."

"This is my last day of freedom," I scoff. "The fun police are coming!"

"Are you talking about your brother or your ex?" Mary laughs.

"Ugh," I groan. "Both of them are trash."

"Well, I guess it's time to get fucked, hey?" Mary smirks, taking the vodka bottle from me. 

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