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"So then we grew a little, and knew a lot, and now we demonstrated it to the cops," I sing. "And all the things we said, we were self-assured."

"Cause it's a long road to wisdom, but it's a short one to being ignored!" Mary sings with me, bopping her head up and down.

"Be in my eyes!"

"Be in my heart!"

We continue singing our duet, trying to make the traffic more bearable.

We're almost at my parent's house, but it would be great if things could speed up a little.

Today, I had both class and work. I'm beyond tired. Plus, I'm pretty sure my period is on its way, which only makes my exhaustion worse. Mary picked me up from college on her way over here. She wanted to show off her new car, which I can't blame her for.

She just got a Mercedes, courtesy of her boyfriend, and my brother. He bought this car for himself about two years ago, but now, he wants an upgrade. He gave Mary this car, and bought a flashy Maserati to replace it.

It's crazy living in a world where half your friends are rich, and the others are broke.

This week has gone by in a flash. Every day, I've either been working or studying. Every second I've had, I've been hanging out with my friends. Mary and Liam are still mostly confined to their rooms, which I can't blame them for. But it does mean that I barely get to see either of them.

After our shopping trip, the girls and I went out for some dinner, but called it a night fairly early. That was the last time I've hung out with just the girls. It's easy to hang out with Aretta, since we work and study together, but it's a lot harder with Mary.

Liam is actually the person I've seen least since their return, besides Oliver. It's a little disappointing, but it doesn't actually bother me. Although we're close, we never used to hang out, either.

I haven't seen Oliver since he came over on the weekend, but I've been thinking of him. More often than I'd like to admit, honestly.

We pull up to my parent's house, and sure enough, my brother is already there.

"I haven't seen your parents in ages," Mary says, following me to the front door. "Definitely not your dad."

"Not since he was in the hospital?"

"That's right. I visited him the day before he got out."

"Well, don't get your hopes up. He's been downhill since."

It's true. He should've stayed in the hospital. He used to call me weekly, but I haven't heard anything from him since our last family dinner. It's not just my father I'm worried about though. The changes I've seen in my mother are almost just as concerning.

I don't bother knocking on the door, and walk into the entryway.

"Oh, my little angels!" My mother calls, smiling brightly at us from the end of the hall.

"Hey!" Mary grins, skipping over to her.

"Hi mum," I smile. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, sweetheart," she says, letting us pass into the living space after giving us both a brief hug.

My dads not here yet. He must be upstairs. I'm sure he'll be here when we eat, though.

"Hey babe," Liam smirks, pulling his girlfriend into him.

I look away from them, returning my attention to my mother. She looks different than the last time I saw her. She looks older, tenser. I shouldn't be surprised.

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