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"Hi," I say, my hesitation evident in my voice.

"Hi," he responds, a smirk forming at his lips.

"Don't do that," I scowl.


"That face."

"You don't like my face?"

"Oliver!" I grumble. "You know that's not what I mean."

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm just..." he struggles.

"Being difficult?" I suggest.

"I'm just happy."

"That's a word I don't associate with you."

"Alright, Lucy," he snickers.

Bickering is something we've never done before. Even when we were dating, we'd joke and laugh, but our arguments were loud. Well, the one argument we've had.

I already know what got him in a good mood, though, and the answer is fairly simple. If the really does still have feelings for me, he must be happy that we're working things out. But just because we make up, doesn't mean we will be a couple again.

"Do you want some coffee?" I ask, ready to get right into the discussion we're about to have.

"No, thank you," he responds.

"Okay, well, come sit down," I suggest, pointing to the couch.

Our living space is fairly small, but it's open plan, so it feels a lot bigger. I pour myself a cup of coffee, and sit down ln the couch. Oliver sits on one end, and I on the other. There's only about a metre between us, but it surprisingly doesn't bother me.

I take a deep breath, waiting for Oliver to begin the conversation.

"I'm sorry things got so intense yesterday," he says. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

"It wasn't your fault. I'm just glad you were honest with me."

"It's no excuse," he shakes his head. "None of that should've happened. I dealt with it in the wrong way."

"I can't deny that," I say. "But I shouldn't have been so quick to assume you didn't love me."

"That's what you thought?" he scowls. "Lucy, I swear-."

"That's why I was so angry. I felt like our entire relationship meant nothing, and I blamed you for taking my brother away. I just got so hostile, without even considering your perspective."

"That's a justified response, Lucy. Of course that's how you'd feel. I shouldn't have given you a reason to think that way."

"I should've considered your perspective."

"There was no way you could've. You said you never received any messages from me?"

"That's right," I nod. "I changed my number, but that doesn't explain why I never got any mail. At least, you said you sent me some things?"

"I did, and I can't figure out how all my post can go missing, unless someone took it."

I scoff. "Who would take your mail?"

"Anyone who works for Ferrari Freight who knows about us, but doesn't want us together."

"You think someone in your company, who saw you mail things to me, stole that mail, because they didn't want me to receive it?" I frown, trying to make sense of it.

"I know it sounds weird, but I doubt one of our friends would take it."

"What if someone paid an employee to steal your mail?" I fake a gasp.

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