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My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light of the room. I squint, taking in my environment. I try to sit up, but somethings holding me in place. I look down, and notice Oliver's arm around my waist. I also notice that I'm stark naked, with only a thin sheet covering me from my hips down.

I run my fingers over Oliver's arm, backing up into him. His arm tenses, and pulls me closer to him. I feel his morning glory press against the back of my thigh. I smirk, and wriggle against him.

"Baby," he mumbles, barely audible.

"Are you awake?" I ask.


I flip myself around to look at him. I slide upward to be face-to-face. His eyes are still closed, his hair messy. I trace my finger from his temple down to his jaw. He looks so calm.

Last night was absolutely amazing. We spent ages talking, laughing, and just listening to music. We had sex a couple times, all of which were amazing. I feel so close to him again. I can't believe I missed out on this for so long.

Mary and Aretta were right. I can't believe it took me this long to realise. And now, I'm waking up in bed with the man I love. I haven't exactly told him that part yet.

Ollie and I spoke about it in the car on our way back to his place, and he understood my hesitation in speaking the words. I went from being unsure and needing time, to starting a relationship in one day. We haven't declared ourselves an official couple just yet, but I'm sure it'll be brought up today.

I really do think I love him. I can feel it all over my body.

God, Lucy, why do you always overthink everything? I grumble to myself.

Maybe I should just tell him I love him. He already knows I do. I'm just so hesitant in repeating it. It's so new. But it's the truth.



"I love you."

He opens his eyes, blinking a few times. A smile appears on his face.

"Are you sure?" he mumbles.

"Yes," I chuckle. "I'm sorry I was afraid before."

"No, baby, don't apologise. I love you too. So, so much."

He pulls me into him, this time letting our chests collide. I nuzzle against him, feeling his warmth.

"What time is it?" I ask.


"Oh my god," I gasp, shooting up. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I took the day off. I thought we could spend it together."

"Oh, god, you're perfect," I laugh.

"Would I still be perfect if I left you for a few minutes to make breakfast?"

"Would I be perfect if I came with you?"

"You're already perfect."

"You flatter me, Mr Ferrari."

"Oh, god, you kill me," he grumbles.

"I think we should go on a date," I say.

"Yeah, baby, that's fine. What do you want to do?"

"Dinner or something?" I suggest.


"No, actually," I shake my head. "I don't want to go out. I want to stay in."

He chuckles, placing a hand on my lower back.

"We can't have sex in public, can we?" I smirk.

"That's okay," he laughs. "I'd rather stay in with you."

"Me too," I nod. "Cuddles forever."

I step out of the bed, hearing Oliver laugh from behind me. I wrap the sheet around me, and head into Oliver's wardrobe.

"Can I borrow some clothes?"

"Grab anything you like," he tells me.

His wardrobe is huge, and full of suits, but I end up finding a pair of boxers and an old shirt to wear. I slide them on, and return to the bed. Ollie's managed to get himself together, and cover himself with some sweatpants.

"I'm sorry I teased you," I pout. "I'm definitely open to some exploring."

"It's okay, baby," he laughs. "That's just how relationships work."

"Relationships?" I wriggle my eyebrows. "Are we boo's again?"

"Boo's?" he frowns.

"Tom Haverford?"


"From Parks and Rec?"

"The government?"

"Ollie!" I gasp. "Have you not seen Parks and Rec?"

"I don't really watch TV," he shrugs.


He shakes his head, taking in my shocked expression.

"You have so much learning to do, my boy."

"I'll watch the show if you watch it with me."

"Oh, that's definitely a deal."


"You remember, huh?" I smirk.

"I couldn't forget even if I tried," he smiles. "Come on, baby. It's breakfast time."

He grabs my hand, and leads me down the stairs. The kitchen is way too far away. He's got to get an elevator built in. We all know he has the money.

The kitchen is empty when we arrive. The boys have probably all left for work, so it's nice and peaceful. The castle was emptied for the king and queen.

"choc chip?"

"You know it."

I hop up on the counter, letting Oliver roam around the kitchen freely. He grabs the ingredients he needs, placing them around the kitchen. He stops before me, and I instantly wrap my body around him. He grips onto my butt, and lifts me up.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Getting you closer."

He places me down next to the stove, placing a kiss on my nose.

"You're so cute," I giggle.

"Cute?" he laughs. "I thought we'd been over this."

"Cute but manly!" I assure him.

"That's better," he smirks.

He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear, leaning further into him. I rest my hand against his jaw, and press my lips against his.

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