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"Are you happy you went?" my mother asks, placing a pan of potatoes on the table.

"Yeah, it was great. I had to do it for the job, but it was hard," Liam says.

"I can imagine, being in an unfamiliar place for so long."

"I'm definitely glad to be back, though."

"And the other boys?"

"I think Alex will miss it the most."

"He really seemed to like it there," I contribute.

"Yeah, but he doesn't speak any Italian, so he's happy to be back here, as well."

"Have you enjoyed being back so far?" my mym asked.

"Yeah, I've just been with Mary most of the time," Liam says. "We all went out yesterday to catch up."

"You didn't meet them at the hangar-like Mary, did you?" mum asks me. "I didn't see you in the pictures."

The press pictures.

"Nah, she was hungover," Liam teases.

"Really?" Mum frowns. "That's unlike you."

"How else am I meant to deal?" I scoff.

"is this about Oliver?"


"I know you don't want to talk about it, but I hope you don't make this a regular thing."

"Yeah, yeah, drinking is bad, I get it. Don't worry."

She sighs, but doesn't continue the conversation. Instead, she turns back to Liam.

Liam only has a few days left before he goes back to work at the office here in Miami, so my parents are forcing us to have a family dinner. I usually visit them once a week anyway, but family dinners are usually reserved for Christmas and Thanksgiving.

"You wore my tie," my father mumbles, barely audible.

"Yeah, dad," Liam nods. "the blue one you got me for my birthday."

Dad mumbles, but he doesn't really respond.

"How are your appointments going, dad?" Liam asks.

"They don't know what they're talking about," dad grumbles.

"I think they're doing a great job," mym contributes.

"They're liars."

"Do you think it's helping?" Liam asks, ignoring their contradictions.

I should've warned him about this. It's only gotten worse since last time he was here.

"They gave me these pills but they make me dizzy," he complains. "I can't cook with them."

My father loves baking. He always has. He used to be known for his waffles, but since he got ill, he's been unable to cook. My mother doesn't mind cooking, but it's definitely not her forte. But I think the worst part for her, is my fathers constant nagging about it.

My dad has been sick for about two years now, but the doctors say it would've started much earlier - it was just less obvious.

For a while, it was super obvious, but his medication has definitely helped. That is, when he actually takes it. When he doesn't, things get messy fast.

I dig into my broccoli, hoping to scoff them down as quick as possible. I hate vegetables.

Liam's phone ringing interrupts our conversation, and he gives us an apologetic look. He exits the room, but I listen is. I'm his sister after all.

"Robins," he says, followed by a number of 'um's and ah's/

My phone beeps too, but not with a phone call. Instead, it's a news Alert. Buzzfeed really has great timing.

'Oliver Ferrari spotted taking Valium at Miami nightclub'.

I roll my eyes, but can't help but look through the pictures. There are images of him in a suit, leaning backwards at a lounge. The next image shows him in the same position, but this time with a bong in his hand. In the next image, he's holding a pill bottle.

Jesus Christ, Oliver.

What the hell is he doing?

He didn't have the week off like the rest of the boys, but he's the CEO, he can do whatever he pleases.

"Bad news, guys," Liam walks back into a room, a frown on his face. "I'm going to have to head into the office."

"I thought you had a week off?" I ask.

"I do, but duty calls," he shrugs.

"I'm sorry, son," my dad says, finally showing an emotion besides anger. "I was happy to see you again."

"You too, dad," Liam responds.

"You've grown taller, and wider," he comments on my brothers' muscles. "The new position suits you."

"Speaking of," my mother says. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me you're not working too hard, and you don't regret leaving college for this."

Liam laughs, but I know the answer. He doesn't regret it.

"Lucy," my dad says. "Could you pass grandma the sugar?"

My lips part. I flicker my eyes over to my mum. What do I say to this?

My grandma isn't here.  

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