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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Ari whispers, scrambling to get her notes together.

I shift my screen to the side so she can read mine, but I can still continue to write the notes.

"What does this say?" she asks.

"Articulation," I say, reading the strange typo I made.

"Ah," she nods.

I listen to the professor talk about formal languages and manners of speech. This lecture has been going on for exactly an hour now, which means I have another hour to go. Two-hour lectures are definitely not my thing, but that's college, I guess.

I'm only in my first year, so I'm still adjusting. I enjoy it for the most part, but I haven't decided if English is what I want to do for the rest of my life. But, if I graduate, at least I'll have a degree.

"Although the spelling of colour is different in both countries, they both mean the same, and the difference in pronunciation lies only in accents," the lecturer says. "In most academic and professional institutions, it would be expected that both spellings would be considered correct."

"Linguistics is not for me," Ari whispers, pulling out her phone.

I laugh at her, shaking my head.

"I'll take a journalism class with you next semester to make up for it," I suggest.

"You better, I'm done with linguistics when this is over."

"It's okay, I might be too. I haven't chosen any classes for next semester yet."

"I saw one called Writing Women," she says. "It's all about the representations of women in literature, and female writers. I think you'll love it."

"Oh, hell yes," I grin. "Will you do it, too?"

"Maybe, if I have room in my schedule. I'm already doing a unit on reporting on rallies and protests, which will already be fairly feminist, I don't know how much I can take."

"That's fair enough," I nod.

I've found any classes on gender and sexuality to be very intense. The content is great, but I get very emotional about it. At first, I thought I was just extra sensitive, but Aretta has the same reaction.

It's been a couple days since the Ferrari Fundraiser, and things have been fairly stable, but things have changed between Oliver and I. We've been Snapchatting, and now have a 3-day snapstreak. We haven't really spoken though, and our snaps barely have words. We just send pictures, little updates or funny things that happen throughout the day.

I've finally opened myself up to him. Although I had forgiven him before, I think I was still slightly hostile to him. But not anymore. We're actually friends again, getting closer every day. We don't really have any plans to hang out, but the boys usually come over on the weekend, and I assume Oliver will come too. Actually, I might go over to their place instead this week.

All cards on the table, I've actually also been wondering about my feelings for him. I don't think they've fully returned, but I've noticed a shift in my mood now that we're talking so casually again. Not only that, but my insides feel all twisted when my phone beeps with a notification from him.

It might just be happiness, but it could also be a little crush. We have a huge history after all. I'm sure time will tell.

Suddenly, a tune begins playing over the speakers, interrupting the lecturer.

"What the hell?" I frown.

Nothing ever plays over the speakers here, they only use it for emergencies.

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