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It's been an hour.

A long, treacherous hour.

Clyde even came in to tell me he was heading out for the day.

I've been reading on my phone this whole time, but avoiding social media like the plague. News really does spread so fast these days. Aretta called me at some point, asking for an update. I had nothing to give her.

I groan, pacing back and forth through the office. I'm so not in the mood anymore.

He should've been here already.

I'm so disappointed.

"Ugh," I grumble.

"Hey, Luce," my brother pokes his head through the door.


"Someone tried breaking into the parking lot."

"Here?" I frown.

"Yeah, we caught the guy, but he broke the elevator doors, so you're going to have to go through the lobby, around the building and past the boom gate."

"You're kidding," I grumble.

"I'm sorry things aren't working out. I thought he would be here by now."

"It's okay," I sigh. "I think I'm just gonna head home."

"You sure? It shouldn't be long. The drivers picking him up in an hour."

"Yeah, I'm not going to wait anymore," I say. "I'll just see him when he gets home."

"Okay," he nods. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I sigh once more.

His head drops, but he doesn't say anything. He walks back down the hall into his own office.

It's still light outside, so I take a final pic. Before I can send it to Ollie, my phone dies.


I stick my phone into my back pocket, and march out of the room. I'll just have to speak to him later. I have a pounding headache, I'm hungry, and exhausted. I just need to go home.

The elevator beeps, and I press the button to the lobby. A group joins me on the 22nd floor, and another at the 12th. They're all dressed neatly. I'm so out of place.

Finally, the elevator makes it to the lobby, and I'm the last to step out. The place is buzzing, probably because there's no access to the parking lot.

It's just like a hotel lobby, with high ceilings, receptionist desks, seating areas, and a small cafe. The walls are glass, so it's easy to see the hustle and bustle of the traffic outside. Security is a big issue here, so they've got those airport security scanners for both bags and people, like a courtroom. Or a prison.

I laugh at the thought, and begin heading to the doors, but before I even make it halfway, I see a flash of black out of the corner of my eyes. I take a second look, and realise what it is. Or better yet, who it is.

Oliver runs over the pavement, dodging other business people as he sprints through them. He enters the lobby, continuing to run through the crowd. People look over at him. Everyone knows him here, and his strong presence doesn't help either.

His eyes finally meet mine, a smile appearing on my face. He pauses in his step, and suddenly, everything stops.

My legs move before my mind can think, and I'm barrelling towards him. I'm running, and so is he. We must look completely crazy, but I don't care.

I barge into him, our bodies colliding. I throw my arms around his shoulders, and my legs around his waist. My body is on fire.

"You came!"

He grips onto my thighs, holding me in place. I squeeze him, wanting him as close to me as possible.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't get your text. I swear to got I'm going to sue Apple and Verizon. I'm so fucking sorry."

"I don't care, I don't care," I ramble. "I'm so happy you came."

"Oh, baby," he whispers. "I love you so fucking much. I'm so fucking sorry."

I open my eyes, not realising they were closed. I lift my head off his shoulder, looking into his eyes. The happiness overwhelms me. I feel a small pool of tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"Baby, you're crying," he frowns.

"I'm sorry it took me so long," I mumble. "I'm so sorry, Oliver."

"I'm so glad you're here."

Without a second thought, I press my lips against his. I grip his face, wanting more. His lips aren't soft, but neither are mine. The kiss is rough, and urgent, and doesn't last long.

I pull away from him, searching his eyes. It's like I'm staring into his soul. His lips pull into a smile. A big, real, honest grin. A rarity.

"You're so beautiful."

"I should be the one telling you that," he chuckles.

"Never ever leave again, okay?"

"I promise, baby, I'm all yours."

"I love it when you call me that," I giggle, nuzzling my face into his shoulder.

"You better," he teases.

"I don't want to let go."

"You don't have to."

"Just home me forever," I mumble.

"You know I will."

"Are people staring?"


"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'd carry you like this everywhere if I could," he laughs.

"Can we go home?"

"Of course. Did you drive here?"

"I parked in your spot."

"Well, what's mine is yours."

I relax into him, feeling his warmth spread through me.

This is perfect. Better than I had hoped. 

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