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"Holy Jesus Christ and a half!" Mary exclaims, her hands slamming down on the table.

"I know!" Ari gasps. "How insane!"

"Liam would never do anything like that!"

"I can't believe she said no!"

"He didn't ask me anything!" I defend.

"I would've fucked him right there!" Ari says.

"Girl, ew!" I wrinkle my nose.

"Limo sex," she smirks.

"You nasty, girl," I laugh.

"Oh my god!" Mary gasps. "You should get him to do it again when you're back together!"

"No! We'll ask him, so we don't expect it," Ari grins.

"Guys!" I chuckle. "It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?" Mary snickers.

"The man basically shut down the campus!"

"He did not!" I scoff.

"It was like a movie. There was a crowd and everything," Mary gushes.

"Stop," I shake my head.

"It's all over the internet!"

"Noooo," I whine.

Mary opens her phone, showing me a video of me jumping into Oliver's arms. I look away, not wanting to relive it. A killer stunt with a killing end.

Oliver and I spoke for a little longer, but I quickly told him to head back into work. Even though it was a pretty deep talk, it flowed nicely and didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He told me exactly how he felt, but assured me he was willing to wait until I was ready to start dating again. At first, I told him I didn't like the idea of waiting for me. It sounds so official, like I'm leading him on. Which isn't my intention at all.

I'm definitely open to the idea of getting back together with him. I like him, he makes me so happy, but I can't just like him. It needs to be more. I don't want him, or me to get hurt again. If we get back together, it has to be legit.

"You guys are the fucking cutest," Ari sighs. "What's it going to take to get you two back together?"

"Time," I say.

"That's it?" Mary frowns. "Do you have feelings for him or not?"

"I think so, yeah, but they're not full yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I'm still hesitant. Sure, I like him, but it might just be a crush. It could just be a temporary thing."

"That's bullshit and you know it," Ari tells me.

"I agree with Aretta," Mary says. "You never got over him."

"Yes, I did," I scoff.

"Nah-uh. Why do you think you were so mad at him?"

"Because he broke my heart!"

"It's not just that though. You were mad because you still loved him, even though he broke your heart."

"What? No."

"Come on, girl," Ari snickers. "Every time you date a guy, or even hook up with a guy, your first thought is Oliver."

"That's not true!"

"Yes, it is," Mary says. "After every hookup, or date, you'd come home and complain about Oliver."

"That's bullshit."

"Lucy, come on," Ari grumbles.

"Are you getting mad at me right now?"

"Not mad, just trying to shake some sense into you. Why do you think none of your other boyfriends ever worked out?"

I mean, yeah, I compare all my past romances to him, and I thought about him pretty often, but my other relationships didn't work out because I never liked any of them enough. That doesn't mean I still have feelings for Oliver.

"Oh my god," I whisper.

Yes, it does.

No one was ever competition against Oliver. He'd always win. No one managed to make me feel the way Oliver did. Hell, whenever I thought about my future, I always pictured Oliver by my side.

"Holy shit. I still have feelings for Oliver."

"Yes, bitch!" Mary cheers.

I look between the two of them, taking in the huge grins on their faces. My heart thumps in my chest.

"Go to him!" Ari urges.

"What? No," I scoff. "I'll just speak to him later."

"Girl, you're shaking," Mary laughs.

I look down at my hands. Sure enough, they're trembling, almost making my coffee spill out of my cup.

"Fuck,"I grumble, pulling them away.

"He made a big gesture," Mary says. "You should too."

"I can't."

"Lucy," Mary gives me a pointed look. "Go."

I suck in a breath, considering my options.

"Stop overthinking it!" Ari says.

"Just go!" Mary encourages.

"Yes! leave!"


"Ugh, you guys are right," I say.

I jump up from my seat, grab my bag off the floor, and barge out of the cafe. I run to my car, the distance to the parking lot killing me for the second time today. I jump into my car, my lips pulling into a grin as my shitty engine actually starts on its own for once.

I pull out of the parking lot and speed down the road. It's only 5 pm, so Oliver should still be at work. 

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