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Slowly, I open my eyes, the light burning me. They fall shut again instantly, wincing at the brightness. I dig my face into my pillow, but it just makes my head thump twice as hard as it already is.

I let out a loud groan. Hangovers suck unless you have someone to bring you pills the second you wake up.

I stick my arm out of my burrito of bedsheets, reaching for my phone on my nightstand. But before I can check the time, I hear laughter coming from below me, in the kitchen. But it's not Mary or Aretta. It's deep, more manly than anything.

Oh fuck. Liam!

I sit up straight, trying to ignore the pounding in my head. The pills I need are downstairs, anyway. I slide out of bed, feeling the soft carpet beneath my feet.

This house is far to nice for me. It's two floors high, with three bedrooms. I would not be able to afford the rent if I had to pay for it, even with Mary and Ari as my roommates. Luckily, it's one of Olivers houses.

His parents bought a huge property and built multiple houses on it. The main house is huge, which is where Oliver and his parents lived, and the others are smaller unit-like houses. His parents originally built them for Oliver's cousins, but most of them went to Italy, as well. In fact, barely anyone lives on the property anymore. Even Oliver's parents moved to New York, leaving the house awaiting his return.

I reach the bottom of the stairs, the sound of my brothers' voice becoming louder and louder. The door to the kitchen and dining area is open, so before I even enter the room, I spot them.

Mary is sitting on the kitchen bench, with my brothers' arms around her waist. His blonde hair is styled upward in his usual quiff, and fresh tattoos peek out of his suit jacket.

The only person I know with more tattoos than him is Mary. She's been a tattoo artist for years now, but Liam and Mary got their first tattoos together at age 16. They've been dating pretty much since they knew what dating was, and they're the cutest couple I know

"Well, well, well," Liam smirks. "Look who's finally decided to show her face."

"Hi Liam" I laugh, walking over to him.

He pulls away from Mary, and embraces me instead. I give him a tight hug, but it's brief.

"You've been working out," I comment, squeezing his arm.

"You bet," he smirks. "You should see Alex."

"My sweet, gentle Alex?" I gasp.

He'd always been the quiet one of the group, but I'd been keeping up with their antics while they were in Italy. It wasn't hard to; they're all over the media.

The last time I saw them was last Christmas, about seven months ago. Back then, Alex had definitely gained some more muscle, but I refused to believe the images that showed him with almost a body-builder figure.

"He's a giant," Liam laughs. "Even stronger than Ollie. Thankfully, he's not as tall. I think we can all agree Oliver would not be happy with someone else being bigger than him."

My smile drops at the mention of his name.

"Liam!" Mary calls, interrupting Liam.

"Oh shit," he grumbles. "I'm sorry, Lucy. I completely forgot."

"It's fine, it's fine," I brush him off.

He doesn't respond but watches me step away from him. I dig through the medicine cabinets, reaching for the ibuprofen.

"I just made coffee," Mary tells me. "I knew you'd be hungover."

"You're the best," I say, swallowing the pills with some water.

"I heard you guys had a wild night," Liam comments.

"Yeah," Mary scoffs. "Lucy went all out."

"So did I you!" I defend. "I'm surprised you're not as crippled as I am."

"I took the hangover cure," she smirks, nodding over to the blender on the counter."

"Ugh, no way!"

"You'll feel better!"

"I'll stick to pills and coffee."

Mary's mother has some kind of efficient hangover cure, but it's completely disgusting. Drinking that gunk is more painful than suffering through this headache.

"What time did your plane lane?" I ask Liam.


"What's the time now?"


"Fuck, really?" I grumble, sipping my coffee.

"You have something to do today besides hanging out with us?" Liam asks. "Kal and Alex are dying to see you."

"I'll head over there soon," I grin. "I can't wait to see them."

But I'm unbelievably anxious to walk into that house again.

The main house on the estate, where Oliver lives, has huge separate suite-like rooms in it, which is where the boys will be staying. That means that if I want to visit my brother or my friends, I have to walk through that house full of painful memories and risk seeing my ex-boyfriend.

We've been apart for three or four years now, and I Should be over it, but I'm not. How could I be, when he's still so prominent in my life, and our break up was so furious and painful?

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