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Guys! I'm so happy with how this book is going! Thank you so much! I appreciate every single one of you <3


"Lucy!" Aretta calls. "Three cappuccino's and a hot choc."

I nod at her, and begin making the coffees. Today's not a very busy day in the café, but a group of science students just walked in. At least, they're wearing lab coats. I pour the drinks into their mugs and slide them over to Aretta for serving.

"Oh sorry, could I get mine with soy milk, please?" one of them asks.

"Of course," Aretta smiles, nodding over at me. I remake their drink, pouring the necessary ingredients into the cup.

The group decide t sit outside, which is perfect, seeing as there's no one inside, so Ari and I can talk.

"Did you finish your project on Wuthering heights yet?" she asks.

I nod. "Submitted this morning. What about you?"

"I was going to finish it tonight. Do we have anything on?"

"Nah, I'll just be studying."

"Oh sweet, we can jam some tunes," she grins.

"That sounds so street," I laugh. "Jam some tunes."

"Jam some tunes," she jokes, putting on a funny voice.

I laugh at her, my eyes flickering over to the clock. It's 5 pm. The café stays open for another 4 hours, which is also when classes end. Not many people are around then, but this is the best place to get coffee on campus.

"Yes, Lucy, you can go," Aretta laughs.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"yes, girl!" she encourages. "You better make me a kick-ass dinner through!"

"Oh, don't worry. Pizza is on the menu tonight."

"Perfect!" she grins. "Is Mary home?"

"I doubt it."

It's been about a week since the boys came back, and Mary hasn't been home since. I've hung out with Kal and Alex a few times, shopping and watching Netflix, but the two lovebirds are in their own world.

"You've only seen Liam like, once this week?" Ari laughs.

It's true. After his first weekend back, my only chance to see him was at our family dinner. Liam and Mary have been in Oliver's house this whole time, and I don't plan on going in there.

"It's okay," I shrug. "When Liam goes back to work, Mary will come back down to our place, instead of hibernating at Ollie's."

"Ollie," she repeats, picking up on my slip up.


"You said Ollie."

"I meant Oliver."

"Are you...coming around?"

No. That asshole broke my heart. I shake my head at her but don't speak.

"You've got to have seen him in the news lately," Ari comments. "How could you not miss him after seeing him so often?"

I shake my head again.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright, alright," she agrees, picking up on my tone. "Have you thought about hearing his side of the story?"

"Ari," I scowl at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Are things still awkward with you and Kal?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Not really," she shrugs. "I'm kind of over it, and I'm sure he is too. It's been pretty normal between us."

"Well, that's good."

"We never even had feelings for each other, just attraction."

"I don't blame you, you guys are both sexy," I tease.

"Oh, shush!" she laughs.

"Isn't it weird being friends now though?" I ask. "At least, I've never had a one night stand with someone I'm friends with."

"It's a little strange, but only because we care for each other. We love each other as people, and want to spend time together, but then there's this annoying voice in the back of your mind like 'ha-ha I saw your dick'."

I snort. "Penises are so fucking weird."

"Girl, tell me about it!"

I laugh, removing my apron. It's time for me to leave.

"Alright, laters bitch," I begin making my way out of the cafe.

"I love you girl," she calls after me.

"Love you too!"

"I'll be waiting for that pizza!"

I laugh at her, but it's too late to respond.

I have a meeting with a professor tonight, to get some feedback on an assessment I did. So, instead of heading to the parking lot, I walk across campus, and into her building. She'll be lecturing until 5:30, so I have a while to wait. I don't mind.

Her office is on the ground floor of the building, with a nice couch out the front. I forgot to bring a book, but there's a small bookcase on the other side of the hall. I pause there, scanning through to pick up something decent. My eyes fall on a novel by Tolstoy, ad my heart drops into my stomach.

God, I'm sick of stupid Oliver Ferrari invading in my life.

Our first conversation was about Tolstoy. My flaw in stereotyping people became evident in that conversation, in meeting Oliver. I like to think I've changed since then. I told him Bon Iver as my favourite band that night, but I haven't listened to them in two years. I tied once, cried, and stopped listening again. 

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