Chapter 34

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His hands started shaking as he dialed a number. He was in so much shock that he didn't know what else to do.

"Hello? How's dinner going?"

"Pretty great. But..."


"I just saw Zeik kissing Anayah in her bedroom."

"What?! You must have not seen right."

"I saw them both clearly. Kissing passionately. They didn't even notice me. What should I do?"

"Oh my. Stay calm. Don't do or say anything. Act normal. We'll handle this, don't worry."

"It's going to be hard to when they're near me... But okay."

"I suspected Zeik would do something like this. We all know his reputation. The way he was staring at her in the kitchen. He better have a really good explanation for this."

"Hmph. I'll call you later."


"Yes Ron, I just threw him out. I had to tell you immediately cuz it was eating me up."

"Wow Anayah. This is too much. Analeigh and I told you to stay away from that lad. He's shown what he really wants from you. I bet if you two are alone and far from us... Ana, he's capable of raping you."

"Don't even joke with that, Ron! But he does seem capable. I got those vibes from him. It's obvious he only wants sex and it was pathetic of him to come into my room uninvited, to talk about feelings and attraction and crap."

"He's got some balls."

"Big ones." Anayah sighed, "I'll stay away from him. I adore Renar with all my heart. This was just some sort of an experiment. Y'know I like sexy drama."

Ronné rolled her eyes and laughed, "Sure you do. I know how much you love Renar. Don't break his heart with your stupid experiments."

"I won't, Ron. I won't." Anayah got under her covers, "I called Brad before dinner. He didn't sound like himself. Know what's wrong with him?"

There was silence for about a minute. Anayah looked at her phone screen in confusion. Ronné was still connected, so why wasn't she saying anything?


"Brad? He... I really don't know what's up with him. He's been all to himself lately. Sure he's busy. Don't worry so much, Anayah." Ronné hesitated.

"You sure? I know you two very well. You promised you will tell me if something's wrong."

"I promise nothing's wrong, Ana. Don't worry. We're totally fine."

Just when Anayah was about to say something, she heard a knock on her door.

"I'll call you later, Ron. I'm sure Renar's done with my parents."

"Okay. Don't forget to fill me in. Don't hide a thing from me." Ronné laughed and ended the call.

Anayah dropped her phone on her bed, swiftly wore her night robe and slowly opened the door.

"Renar!" She beamed and pulled him in for a tight hug.

"What's up, T?" He smiled, embracing her, "Going to bed already?"

"Maybe. It's getting late and I'm a little tired." She exhaled, still not letting go of him.

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