Chapter 13

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It was 21:10 and a lot of people were at the party. Others, yet to arrive. Ronné and Brad were at the cozy spot Kathy told the six of them to spend the night. They were waiting for the others who were obviously wanting to make grand entrances.

Renar and Anayah arrived. It was Anayah's first time to an allnighter and she was super excited. She and Renar were greeted by the loud music.

🎶You can dance I'mma watch your body..... I just wanna dance with somebody, it could be anybody....🎶

Anayah started moving her hips and shoulders to the chorus, as they got past crazy party freaks.

At one corner, a couple of busty topless females were surrounded by thirsty dudes who threw tiny balls at their breasts, as a form of entertainment.

At another, people were making out. Some were drinking like crazy and others just sat there, chatting over the loud music.

Some dudes tried to pull Anayah away but Renar got in their way.

"*Cough Cough* I can take care of myself Thank you very much." She rolled her eyes at Mr. Saviour there.

"Are you sure T? Cuz it was Clearly a triple threat match, Princess." He laughed.

Anayah scoffed, "I can handle a few drunk guys. You have no idea how rough I can get. I'm no princess, hunny."

He got closer to her, "Prove it."

She didn't at all look intimidated and got a lot more closer to him, "Gladly." Her lips brushed his.

"Heyyy guys!" Kathy spotted them. She was with Dylan.

"You guys should save your love for when we're all cozied up." Kathy smirked at them. She and Dylan saw their whole sexy talk from afar.

"Hey! I know right. I tried telling her, but she just couldn't resist me." Renar joked.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. We'll see who won't be able to resist the other." She folded her arms.

Dylan didn't like this conversation one bit.

"I think we should go find Brad and Ronné." Dylan suggested and led the way.

🎶Now she say She gon' do what to Who? Let's find out and see. Cardi B, you know where am at, you know where I be. You in the club just to...🎶

Everyone, including the innocent faced girls started rapping to Bodak Yellow and acting all gangster. It strangely boosted their confidence levels. Others were just dancing offbeat.

"Took you guys long enough. Let's go Brad. We've saved this place enough. Let's go dance." Ronné pulled Brad by the wrist and he gladly got up,

"Hi guys. Bye guys. We'll be back at midnight." He wrapped his arm around Ronné and left their spot.

"Anayah! Glad you could come! I thought your mummy won't allow you to come, since she's too Christian and all." Cassandra approached them with Clarine.

"Wow Cassandra, You look extra skanky today. Is it your birthday?" Anayah smiled.

"Oh please, the good girl's tryna act all tough." Cassandra rolled her eyes, "We all know she's all talk. Renar likes girls who 'Do', little girl."

Anayah was about to fight back, but Kathy and Dylan held her back.

"She's not worth it." Dylan glared at Cassandra.

Anayah flinched when Dylan touched her and Renar was just there, enjoying the drama.

"I'll show you what Renar Really likes, whore!" Anayah glared at Cassandra and moved away from Dylan and Kathy.

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