Chapter 21

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Anayah felt uneasy somehow. She felt the urge to go see Renar. She didn't know why she wanted to see him so bad. Probably because she had finally accepted what she felt for him. She finally said it. And to the one person it would hurt the most.

But was she a hundred percent sure it's love she felt for Renar? Will her feelings fade away overnight, leaving her to a conclusion that it was only infatuation? Those are the questions that kept coming into her head as she sat in her car, her keys in her hand.

She needed to see him. She just had to. She became more anxious to see him when he wasn't picking up her calls in the last hour.

She sparked her car, still conflicted on whether or not to go. Will going all the way there make her seem desperate? She thought. I mean, she just saw him the day before and doesn't want to seem clingy.

Then she remembered when he told her that he loved her and didn't want to lose her. That thought calmed her down.

'Why didn't I say anything when he said he loves me?' She hit her forehead, 'I completely ignored what he said cuz of his situation with Analeigh. But was he telling me the truth, or that was one of his playboy techniques? Thinking that once you tell a las you love her, she'll fall head over heels for you. If that's the case, that would be pathetic.' She breathed. Still thinking on whether to go to him or not.

"¡Hijo! Señorita Madrigal is here to see you." Larina called out, smiling at Anayah.

"How are you ma'am?" Anayah kissed her cheek.

"Quite well. Hope you're doing great, mija."

"Yes please, thank you." Anayah smiled brightly, happy with the fact that Señora Castillo called her her daughter.

"Mom please don't embarrass me." Renar smiled, coming down the stairs.

Reaching midway, he told Anayah to come up.

Anayah excused herself and went up. Renar opened his room door for her and she entered gracefully.

"This ain't no beauty pageant, lassie." Renar teased and locked the door behind him.

"Gosh I missed you so much." She hugged him tightly.
Renar was shocked when she said and did that. He put his arms around her and whispered in her ear,

"I do too... But you saw me yesterday, love."

"I know but I... I don't know." She sighed.

He placed his arm under her thighs, lifted her off her feet and onto his laps on his bed.

"You don't know what? You can tell me anything. You know that." He begun kissing her jawline.

Anayah sighed, "Dylan was just at my place."

"Oh..." Renar caressed her cheek, "What did he want?" He continued kissing her jawline.

"He asked if I still love him." She breathed out, closing her eyes as he moved his lips to her neck.


"I told him I still do. Then he kissed me. I pulled away immediately and slapped him."

"Wow. I'm proud of you. He had no right to do that." He talked while kissing her neck some more.

"Yahh, then I pushed him out and told him I love him in a friendly way." She said breathlessly, "I told him I love you."

Renar stopped what he was doing and looked at Anayah.

"That's a good start. A good way to get him off your back for some time." He smiled weakly.

"Yahh, except what I said is true." She adjusted herself on his lap, so she could face him completely.

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