Chapter 23

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Renar got a hold of Dylan and punched him several times.

"Renar! Stop! Please!" Anayah panicked.

"Just shut it over there!" He left Dylan and towered over Anayah.

"You said you would never cheat on me Anayah." He cupped her face.

"Renar, I didn't know it was him until later. I thought it was you. He forced himself on me. You've got to believe me Renar. I would never do that to you." She was going to touch him but he stopped her.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to believe you? You have given this excuse before; Clarine's allnighter, which was a Lie! I'm not Kathy, Anayah. You can't fool me like you fooled her."

"It's the truth Renar. Dylan! Tell him what you did!" She yelled through her tears.

Dylan just backed away slowly and left the room. Renar turned to leave as well.

"Oh my gosh! Dylan! Renar, please don't go. I made a promise to you. I would never break it. You've got to believe me." She cried, "I love you! I've not felt this way before. It's like we're lovers and best friends. You mean everything to me."

He calmly held her hands, his eyes glistened with tears, which he tried to fight back. He wanted to believe her. He really did. But she was caught with Dylan the other time, and used this same excuse in which he was forced to lie for her. He couldn't get that out of his head. How she easily lied to Kathy, she could easily lie to him too.

She cried, "I won't be able to live without you."

He smiled weakly and let go of her hands, "Then die."

Anayah couldn't believe what she heard.
A tear trickled down her cheek and he wiped it slowly. His eyes watery as he continued,

"I don't love you. Never have. Never will. It was all a challenge to me. That night we first had dinner and you said I wasn't your 'type'?" He forced a chuckle, "I promised myself to make you eat your own words. Now I'm satisfied. It's a shame I didn't get to sleep with you. You have such an amazing body." He scanned her body and she slapped his face three times on the same cheek.

"Shut up! You're only saying this cuz you think I cheated on you. I didn't! I know you love me. Your emotions are so different when you're with me. Why are your eyes telling me a different thing right now?"

"You are so stubborn. And not to mention, naive. Dylan easily fooled you; hiding Kathy from you. And now the strong girl who said I'm not her type, is in love with me?" He looked deep into her eyes, "I don't love you. If you ever need me for sex, I'm available. I won't miss out on this gorgeous body. You're lucky to have it." He paused for a while, fighting back the tears, "Your gorgeous body... It's the only reason I was able to put up with you and your lying self." He kissed her forehead and slowly let go off her.

He left the room before she could say anything. He saw the hurt in her eyes. He was hurt too, wanted go back there and embrace her, but he just couldn't take the lies anymore.

Anayah refused to believe all what he just told her. His words were replaying in her head as the tears just kept coming down her face. It was as if her heart had just been ripped out and chewed.

She immediately left campus, not caring about the classes she had that day.
She drove home, went into Analeigh's room and rushed to hug her.

"I'm sorry Analeigh. I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I'm sorry for hitting you. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I'm sorry for being weak and stupid. I'm sorry for allowing a boy to be the cause of our fight." She cried her eyes out.

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