Chapter 11

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"I missed you so much father! When did you get back?"

"Yesterday..." He looked rather nervous.

"What's wrong?" Anayah got closer and placed the back of her hand on his forehead, making him laugh.

"Nothing amor, go help your mother with dinner. She was complaining that she was a bit sore." He smirked.

"Ayyyy. You gave it to her good, didn't you? Proud'o you!" Anayah pat her father on the back.

"¡Idios mio! Diablita. Are you having sex with that Renar boy? I hope you're not, Lucero! Lucía told me about the ring she gave you." He looked serious now.

"What?? I'm still a virgin father, nothing to worry about. Can you please excuse me?" She took out her phone and walked away.

"Analeigh Lucía Madrigal, how dare you tell father about my secret. I so hate you now!" She shut her room door while talking to her big sister on the phone, and Danilo laughed.

Anayah has always been close to her father. She always thought her mother was annoying. Ever since her sister moved out; she isn't married though, it's always been her and her father.

'I recognize that boy who was kissing my daughter. Renar Castillo. Ay, his mother, Larina, is a fine señora. Too bad she's married to my business partner.' He thought as he got comfortable in the couch, 'But no one can match up to Ashley in satisfying me. Ella es la Reina. Mi Reina. Mi Amor.'

He closed his eyes to remember what went down hours ago.


"Clarine is having a party tomorrow night?" Ronné relaxed on Brad's bed. Kathy was there too. They were discussing their music project.

"Yahh, pretty weird isn't it?" Kathy flinched.

"I bet a lot of people will go." Brad contributed, "Especially the really horny ones. I'll definitely go. It'll be fun."

Ronné glared at him and he corrected, "We'll definitely go love. But only if you wanna."

She rolled her eyes and Kathy giggled,
"I'll tell Dylan and Renar about it. I just hope the party won't be slutty, get it?"

"Oh, we totes do." Ronné and Brad chorused.

"Where you at babe?" Kathy asked Dylan over the phone.

"Going to Anayah's. You?"

"I'm in Brad's room, on campus. Music project. Ronné's here too..." She glanced at them.

"Oh that's nice. Have fun babe."

"I will... Say hi to Anayah for me." She stated and Ronné and Brad exchanged looks.

"If only she knew." Ronné mouthed to Brad and he nodded sadly.


"Cassandra, what are you doing here?" Renar opened the door for her.

"Babe, I came to see you. I'm horny." She bit her lip.

"Oh you don't say?" He smirked, his eyes traced her entire body. She was in a short skirt and a crop top. Too skimpy if you ask me.

"You do know we're over right?
It was just a one night thing?" He asked.

"Oh yes I do. I only came for one thing." She brushed her lips on his.

"Okay, good. Just making sure." He smirked, ceased her lips and closed the door behind him while he was at it.


"I've been dating Kathy for over a year now. I loved her a lot. Until I met you, Ayah." He got closer to her but she just looked away.

"I'm so glad we didn't have sex that night. I would have collapsed after hearing about Kathy and you. I'm just so glad that I found out about it on time, to stop whatever game, we had going on." She had no emotion.

"It wasn't a game, Ayah. I wanted to make you my girlfriend, but I didn't know how to break up with Kathy. It's so hard to do that when she hasn't done anything wrong. I'm the one she slept with for the first time, and I'm the only one she has been with till now-"

"Just stop Dylan. So you lost interest in her after you slept with her or what? You're so cruel. I'm sure the moment you sleep with me, you'd fall in love with some other virgin on the highway. Let's just go back to being friends. That's more than you deserve from me. And the next time you touch me in a non friendly manner, or tell me you love me, I'll tell Kathy the whole truth."

"Ayah just liste-"

"That's final Dylan. I still like you, or 'love' you. But I'll get over it."

"I don't want you to. I don't want you near Renar. Please. I'll go crazy, Ayah. He's no good."

"You don't tell me what to feel or what not to. Or even who to see, or who not to. You're not my boyfriend. You never were. Let things go back to the way they were. Except, I'll treat you like Brad and the others. It's either that or nothing."


"Take it or leave it." She opened the balcony door for him to leave.

"Use the front door next time. You're no thief, friend."

"What about Renar? How will you treat him?"

"The same way I treat you, friend." She wasn't facing him.


"Mother?" Anayah walked in on her parents making out hardcore in their bedroom.

"Sheesh! Get a room."

They just stared at her.

"Oh yah, sorry...uh... So I've come to ask if I can go shopping with Ronné tomorrow for Clarine's party tomorrow night. I heard its a slumber party and its going to be fun." She pleaded.

"Lu, you're still a minor, don't forget that but"

"But father, I'll be 18 in 3 weeks. I won't do anything to upset you. You two can have fun while I'm gone an-"

"Lu! I was gonna say, but I trust you and you can go."

"Thanks!" She beamed.

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