.thirty five

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"Fuck! Jungkook! Run!" Namjoon whisper-shouted and dashed away.

Due to adrenaline rush, Jungkook also did the same yet more faster than Namjoon.

A bunch of muscular and gangster-like guys immediately followed them with deadly weapons in their hands that aimed to shoot them, however, as we expected from the Jeon Jungkook, he was more faster than them and showered them with bullets causing them to abruptly stopped in running as they groaned in pain while murmuring curses and the blood kept pouring down in their sluggish bodies, staining the marbled tile.

Hence even though Jungkook was running, he managed to shoot them in their vital parts that would lead them to death.

Namjoon briefly turned his head and glanced at the poor and once scary muscled guys that was currently laying down in the cold floor, blood surrounded their almost lifeless bodies.

"Damn, Kook. You're a fucking pro," Namjoon commented while panting.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes in response and chuckled slightly.

They stopped from running for a moment to catch their breaths. They looked around and noticed the suspicious red painted metal door. Jungkook's raven black eyes locked contact to Namjoon's brown orbs.

"Let's get inside," Namjoon suggested and Jungkook nods in response.

Jungkook slowly pushed the doorknob open. The door slowly creaked and they both entered the room quietly.

It was dark, completely dark. Namjoon slowly cupped the chilly walls to find the switch for the light and thankfully he did.

Jungkook sighed in relief when the lights turned on and his eyes squinted at the sudden brightness. It took three seconds for his ebony-like eyes to adjust as he rubbed them.

"Holy shit!" Namjoon blurted which made Jungkook's eyes fluttered open, not minding the slight itchiness since he had rubbed them way too harshly.

Jungkook stared dumbfoundedly at about fifteen male teenagers wearing cute dresses with a smudge of make up in their handsome faces with puffy and red eyes, they were obviously crying for hours.

The poor teenagers squished theirselves in the farthest corner of the room, they were trembling in fear, lips quivering, and eyes started to get teary.

"No! Please! Don't sell us!"

"W-what? What do you mean?"

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a/n: maybe i will triple update today? idk ksksksk

anyways, i'll be arranging the chapters and it will probably confuse you lol esp the q and a and the 'face reveal' chap ksksksks sorry in advance (●'∀`●)

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