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Chapter Nineteen

They both entered the castle-like mansion with tired and exhausted faces, ignoring the maid's greetings and immediately went to their own rooms without uttering a single word. Both were silent and just wanted to sleep already.

Today was very hectic for the both of them. They went to the amusement park, ate cups of ramen in a convenience store and kissed, and shopped expensive clothes for Taehyung.

Taehyung's cheeks suddenly tinted pink as he remembered the kiss. He unconsciously touched his lips, as if Jungkook's plump lips were still intact on his. He giggled cutely at the thought and began wiggling in the fluffy queen sized bed until he calmed down and slowly entered dreamland.

And Taehyung slept peacefully while cuddling a pillow, imagining it was Jungkook.

The sun shone directly at Taehyung's face and he slowly opened his eyes only to groaned as the sun hit his chocolate brown irises. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, did his morning routines and head downstairs.

His brows furrowed in confusion when he saw the maids arguing. He went near to them and asked what was wrong.

"Hey, why are you fighting? What's happening?"

"It's because Ji-eun is scared to wake Sir Jungkook!" An orange haired girl replied and huffed.

"Yah! I'm not the one who should wake Sir Jungkook! It's Hyuna!" Ji-eun retorted back.

"What the hell are you saying?! It's Irene!"

"Me? What the fuck? Are you serious? You know I only cook."

"Stop lying bitch."

"I'm not lying whore."

"Guys! Stop! It's Hyorin!"

"Fuck you, it's not me ⚊,"

"Are you all scared of Master Jungkook?" Taehyung couldn't help but ask. All the maids looked at him with disbelief.

"Yes! We all are!" the maids replied in unison.

"Damn! Sir Jungkook is indeed hot but he is scary as hell when someone wakes him up!" Lisa said dramatically. "I already tried it once and I nearly lose my job and he shouted at me and ⚊,"

"Then let him sleep and don't disturb him," answered Taehyung.

"But he is already late for work! He will be angry at us if we didn't wake him up!"

"We're all going to lose our jobs!"

"Okay, I get it. How can I help you all?"

"Can you wake Sir Jungkook up please?" the maids plead with their puppy eyes.

"Me? I don't think I can do t-that." Taehyung replied and scratched the back of his neck.

The maids looked at Taehyung desperately. Tears welling up in their eyes. Taehyung sighed before answering.

"Okay, fine."

The maids started squealing in delight and began to jump excitedly.

"But you all owe me something. You better pay it back." Taehyung said between his giggles.

"If cash then no." Hyuna said and crossed her arms.

"Of course it's not cash! Maybe a favor or something."

"Alright," the maids replied in unison and smiled at him. "Goodluck! Fighting!"

Why do I feel like they're bidding me goodbyes already?


End of Chapter Nineteen

doll ▍taekook ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora