“Ah! Fine, come at me bro!”

“Please don’t call me bro right now… It makes what I’m about to do so much weirder!” he says while commencing to kissing me. As his lips brush mine it feels weird, they are still foreign to me, the texture and the taste. The kiss is not just a peck but more heated and vital, and then he pulls away from me, “If you want another kiss, you better tell me!”

I must admit my heart sunk when he pulled away… “You beetroot head! I hate you, you know that?”

“Don’t steal my word! That’s my word! Make up your own!”

“You know, the baby is more mature than you!” I say and he responds by putting a hand to his heart and lets his mouth hang open, pretending to be insulted.

"That just hurt woman!"

"Sorry," I say while biting my lip before putting it to his. Ha! I got my kiss!

"I'm hungry!" I mutter. It must be about 11am and last time I ate was lunch yesterday.

"What would you like gorgeous?" If I blushed, which I don't, I would have two red cheeks.

"Hmm, what do you have, Handsome?"

"Well," he says while biting his bottom lip, man he looks good when he does that! "I have a lot of things. Come have a look with me! Wait... are you even allowed to eat before the ultrasound?"

"I don't know... Ah well, either way, I plan on eating so..."

He grabs my hand and leads me to his kitchen. We look through the fridge first which contains spreads like vegemite and jam. There's the typical fruit and veg along with meats as well. I am a bit surprised that he keeps it so clean....

"Chris likes to keep things tidy," Oliver answers my thoughts which I am almost positive I didn't say out loud. "so what do you want?"

I decide to just stick with toast and jam, quickly stuffing it into my body as soon as it was in front of me. Oliver insisted on making it and I have to say, he can make a good piece of toast... probably because he's had to make it for so many girls after his flings with them....

I feel my phone go off in the pocket of my dress. I pull it out and the once muffled sound rings around the room clearly.

‘Black dress with the tights underneath

 I’ve got the breath of a last cigarette on my teeth

And she's an actress but she ain't got no need

She's got money from her parents in a trust fund back east

T-t-tongues always pressed to your cheeks

While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth

You tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef

That I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him’

I scrabble to hit the answer button even though I love this song (Don’t Trust Me by 3OH!3) because I see my mother’s name flash across my screen.

 “Why aren’t you at school Mayarna Ava?” she asks in a fuming voice, “the school sent me a text about your absence! Where are you?”

“I have my ultrasound today through school,” I say in an emotionless voice. I can practically hear my mum calm instantly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I know you had to go away for the day so there wasn’t any point and Crane had to take Phoebe to some party so I knew she couldn’t come with me either.”

“Honey I would have come with you! You should have told me! I could just tell work I couldn’t fly out today!” 

“It’s ok mum! Oliver is going to come with me,” I say while looking Oliver in the eye now, smiling. He returns the smile to me and I almost forget I’m on the phone.

“Ok, call me as soon as you get out! I love you!” she says in a voice that proves her word true.

“Love you too.”

“So you like 3OH!3?” Oliver asks after I hang up.

“Fuck yeah! They’re amazing!”

“What about Avenged Sevenfold?”

“YES!!! What about Blood on the dance floor?”

“Yes! Before you put your phone back, what’s the time?”

I look down at my phone and report back the time, “11:20.”

“Shit! We better leave! You have to be like a half hour early and it takes like 20 minutes to get to the hospital!”

“Dude, chill the fuck down! Let’s go,” I reply in a calm voice.

After a loud drive (we had to blast Crazy Bitch, Shut Up and…. Tearin’ Up My Heart …. It’s an amazing song!!) we get to the hospital and reception area. I ‘clock in’ and take a seat, Oliver takes the one beside me.

What if something is wrong? Shit! Subconsciously I entwine my fingers in Oliver’s as we sit and wait.

“Miss Mayarna Ava Fields?”

Oliver and I both stand and follow the young woman. We get to a room and I’m instructed to lie down. 

“Are you wearing pants under your dress honey?” the nurse asks me. Shit! I forgot of course! I’m so smart! Who goes to an ultrasound and wears a dress? 

“Um…. I forgot…. ” I have pants in my bag! I can just slip out and put them on! “I have a pair in my bag, can I go put them on?”

“Sure but you’ll have to do it in here, we don’t have much time.”

Great! Universe 100, Mayarna 0…. Or so it feels. I dig in my bag and pull out the jeans from yesterday before turning away from Oliver and putting them on. I leave the zipped undone, knowing I will have to undo it anyway. I lie back down and the lady warns me of the cold gel before squirting it on my stomach and I flinch slightly.

Soon she’s running some machine thing over my stomach and a black and white picture pops up on a little screen, “There’s you baby!” she says.

I look at the picture and a wave of something I can’t even describe washes over me. That’s MY baby!! That blob looking thing! I listen to the beeps of noise that the nurse tells me are bub’s heartbeat. The nurse tells me that my baby is absolutely fine and I take a breath that I didn’t know I had been resisting to take. Universe 100, Mayarna 1!

Soon I am wiping the gel away from my skin and Oliver is helping me up. He has a smile like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. 

“Thanks,” he mutters in a happy voice.

“For what?”

“Letting me come with you.”

“I should be the one saying that! Thank you for accompanying me!”   

We walk through the hallway and Oliver stop and pulls me around to face him, pressing the elevator button behind him without even seeing what he’s pressing but he has it right, down and not up.

He wraps his hand around me and pulls me into a hug until the elevator door slides open. A woman gets out and Oliver and I step into the now empty lift. We press ground level and the elevator starts to take us down. I hear a clunk and the elevator stops dead…

Universe 101, Mayarna 1…..


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