Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 17

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Ale's P.O.V

"Nikki! Took you long enough," I said as I opened the door. Nikki had taken forever getting here, or maybe it was just that I was too excited for the party planning,

"Oh shut it. I'm here now," she replied pushing her way into the door.

We immediately went into my room asking for some snack on the way. As we entered my room, I noticed Nikki set eyes on the picture frame on my bed stand. It was a picture of Marko and I when we had gone to the Dolphin Research Center. We were both inside the freezing water. I was holding on to a dolphin's fin while Marko was behind me. I remember he was holding my waist. It was the only part of my body that wasn't freezing. I smiled at the memory, but I decided to ignore it as I remembered how much of a jerk he had been lately.

"So have you talked to Marko?"

"Um nope! He's being a jerk."

Nikki dropped the subject after that. She said we had lots to do if we wanted the party ready in a week. We began by writing theme ideas.I suggested a masquerade party, but that only gained a sarcastic reply from Nikki. Then, Nikki suggested a swimming party, but I really didn't want people drowning while being drunk. Idea after idea was thrown in, but both of us had something against them.

"Oh come on woman! Pick something already," said Nikki throwing up her arms in exasperation..

"Ay, but nothing is cool enough! Everything is overused!" I exclaimed mimicking her arm movements.

My phone began ringing just then, and I rolled my eyes as I saw the called I.D.

"Answering that?" asked Nikki.

"Nope. It's Marko."

"Ale, give him a chance. You're being over-dramatic. He's protective and jealous, so what? Do you know how much I would have given a month ago if he was like that with me?"

I sighed and nodded as I pressed the green key.


"Oh thank God, Ale. Are you OK? You had me so worried when you didn't answer any of my calls or texts," he said in a relieved voice.

"Wait, you're not mad at me? Yesterday you weren't exactly all smiles," I told him. I gave a questioning look to Nikki and she just shrugged in response.

"No, princess. I could never be mad at you. Can I come over? i need to talk to you."

"Um, sure! We need a lot of help with the party planning."

"Okay, gorgeous. Be there in ten," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Please don't hurt yourself. Drive safe, bye!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled in reply and hung up. As we waited for him to arrive, we began making the party invite list. We added almost all Seniors, with the exception of overly weird people and non-partiers. I decided to invite all of my dance girls, other than them, no underclassmen were allowed.

"Can I come in?" I heard from the outside of my bedroom door.

"Yeah!" I yelled.

Marko walked in and immediately ran to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a huge hug, adding a kiss to my forehead.

"Hello to you too, Marko," said Nikki acting annoyed.

"Oh yeah. Hi Nikki."

"Aww don't be like that. She's my best friend, and you're being rude," I told him pouting my lips. He gave me a big kiss on the lips before letting me go and giving Nikki a big bear hug.

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