Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 1

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Alejandra Johnson(Main Character)

Marko Clinton(Main Character)

Nikole Darley(Alejandra's best friend)

William Hansel(Marko's best friend)


Ale's P.O.V:

Time to wake up! Seriously Ale, wakey wakey! I groaned as I threw off my warm and comfortable bright green covers. They say green covers help you wake up. It's like a natural instinct to wake up around a green environment. Yes, if you were an animal that lived in the woods, maybe. I decided this was enough self-talk for the day and sat up. Agh, everything hurts. I guess this is what happens when you grow old.

As I took a quick shower, I planned a perfect outfit. Finally Senior year. Today had to be perfect and maybe I could even find myself a good boyfriend soon. Then, I remembered Nikki. My best friend, captain of the cheerleader squad, and drop dead gorgeous. I pushed the thoughts away and continued getting ready.

Just as I finished doing my hair I quickly applied make-up achieving the natural look then rnd to put on shoes. I looked at the clock just then.

7:50 A.M. 

If i don't hurry, I'll be late. I rushed down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Then, I hurried towards to front door, but stopped dead in my tracks after hearing my mom.

"Alejandra! Come back here and eat a nutritional breakfast. Honey, I have told you-"

"Yes mom you have told me to get a balanced meal, but I'm running late and I'm picking up Nikki on the way."

My mom is a nutrition specialist and she's always on my case about a balanced meal. She gave me a simple shrug, which I took as an 'okay'. I went out towards my car, my baby. A red 2012 Corvette. My family is rich like most families in this town, therefore I demanded a good car. It's not like I asked for many things either way, so no guilt was involved while choosing my car.

I thought about how good this year would be. Hopefully I'd have many classes with Nikki, and none with stupid Marko. Oh and maybe I'd have at least one class with William. I would sure love that. I shook my thoughts out of my mind as I realized I had reached Nikki's house. We only lived a couple of minutes away.

-Beep Beep-

She ran out the door and got in.

"Hey! I'm so excited for today finally Seniors and we'll get to show people who we are at the welcoming pep rally!"

I was slightly annoyed at the constant chirping of her voice. How could she be so awake and happy at this time of day? I would occasionally smile and nod as she spoke, but I wasn't paying much attention.

We finally arrived at school just in time to walk calmly to our first period class. We walked together until we had to go our separate ways. Sadly, we had no classes together until after lunch. When I arrived my first class, Calculus, I saw the one and only, Marko Clinton. Ugh. Arrogant, snobby, hot jerk.

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