Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 13

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Ale's P.O.V

"So how are we telling them about us?" I asked.

"I think we can just..wing it?"

I laughed, but agreed. We entered the hospital with food, and lots of it.

"Hey Nikki! Sam! you guys hungry? We've got some food!" I said in a song tone.

She ran up to me and gave me a big bear hug. Huh, guess she is hungry. I handed her a bag and Sam another one, then I hid the other bag in my purse and sneaked into Will's room. No outside food allowed.

"Hey. We're back, and we brought you this."

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"Um a lot of things.. But anyways why don't you eat and we can talk about it later." I looked away, trying to calm down and not cry. Yeah sure i was with Marko now, and honestly I like him, but it still hurts that Will tried to use me.

As he ate, Marko knocked and came in. We smiled at each other and he came over to sit next to me on the big couch. He put an arm around me and I snuggled closer. It was almost like he was shaped in order to have me there. I felt like I truly fit there. Will cocked an eyebrow, but a nurse knocked just then. He quickly hid his food under the sheets.

"Mr.Hansel? Would you like your lunch now?" she asked.

"Uh no. no thanks. Not hungry, you know?"

"Is that.. is that fast food I'm smelling?"

"I uh ha no. Not at all. Maybe just some Wendy's," he replied trying to find an excuse.

I raised my hand an said, "sorry. Guilty."

She murmured something too low for any of us to hear, rolled her eyes, then left.

"Wow I thought she'd throw it away. But hey Ale, would you like to tell me now?" asked Will.

"Tell you what?" I asked, acting innocent. I wasn't exactly ready to confront him just yet.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. You were going to tell me why you were so distant, and you said to eat first. Well I ate so?"

"Okay, fine I'll tell you, but rule number one is you cannot get mad at Marko. Got it? Good." I looked at him and he nodded, so I continued. "I have a question for you. Why did you try to use me?" Marko excused himself and left, leaving us alone.

"Uh excuse me, what?" asked Will.

"Oh please, does Monique sound familiar?"

"Oh..I..Ale.. I'm sorry. I know you like me and you're just so beautiful. I knew she'd get jealous. I didn't mean to hurt you. Now if I may ask, why did Marko tell you?"

"Well, he needed a reason for me not to care about your feelings or anyone else's when he asked me to be his girlfriend," I replied.

"Ah I see. Finally! It took you guys long enough. What did Nikki say? Did she freak?"

"i uh no. I haven't told her. I'll tell her soon, but I needed to talk to you first. So what when are you out of this place?" I asked.

"Supposedly tomorrow morning. So what are you planning on doing for your birthday? Big eighteen!" he said laughing a bit.

I laughed too and shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking maybe I can finally have that big party I've been planning for a while. What do you think?"

He nodded repeatedly. "Yes! I think we should throw an exclusive V.I.P party. This could be the senior party of the beginning of the year. After I get out of this place we are planning it."

"Wow I never thought you'd be more excited than me, but deal!"

I called in Marko, Nikki, and Sam to tell them the big news. They were all super excited. it's a plan, then.

"Hey Nikki, can I talk you you? Here, let's go get some Starbucks," i said, dragging her outside.

"Oh cool Starbucks!"

"Oh hey Marko, can I borrow your car, pretty please?" I asked making puppy eyes.

"For you, anything." he said tossing me the keys.

"Yay!" i exclaimed giving him a hug.

Nikki gave me a questioning look, but i simply pointed to the door. We went into Marko's beautiful car. I miss my car. I hope it's still there!

"So where's the closest Starbucks?" asked Nikki.

"Dude, we live in America. There's a Starbucks in every corner."

And I was right. Starbucks at the nearest corner. We decided to enjoy our coffee inside, to have a little time away from the boys.

"So first things first, when were you planning on telling me about whatever is going on between you and Marko?"

"This is exactly why I wanted to come! I'm dating him as of, about two hours? Do you mind? I'll end things if you do!"

"Ha relax, Ale. You know I started liking Sam, he's really sweet. And I've been waiting for this to happen for a while now!" she exclaimed, clearly excited.

"Okay cool! And about the party..we need to brainstorm! Not now though," I said.

We spent a couple of hours just talking and having some girl time. i truly needed that. Everything seemed perfect, but then someone who I have been avoiding for three years went through the entrance door. No, why now? Why when my life seems perfect? Why him? Why Hunter?


Hello! well thanks for reading! I know it's a short chapter, but if I begin explaining who this 'Hunter' is, then it'll be a very long chapter. Plus cliffhanger is fun.((:

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