Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 4

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Sam's P.O.V

"Wake up, honey." I felt someone shaking me. As I opened my eyes I saw my mom smiling at me. "Come on get ready today is your first day of school."

Oh that's right today I start at a new high school. Sunset High School. Ugh even my school's name fits this way too small to my liking town, Paia, Hawaii. Well if I have to live here from now on I might as well make the best out of it. I followed my mom's instructions and quickly got ready. I ate breakfast and made my way to school in my 1957 Mustang.

When I arrived to school I saw a girl in a beautiful red Corvette. She got out of the car and I was speechless. She was absolutely stunning, wearing a simple red dress her long brown curls falling along her back and her green eyes shining brightly. Maybe Sunset High won't be so bad after all. I made myself a goal to get to know that girl and possibly, if she wasn't a snobby rich girl, date her. I made my way into the school and quickly found the office.

"Hello my name is Samuel Dakota I'm here for my schedule?" I told the lady in the front desk. She smiled back at me and gave me my schedule.

I went back into the hallway and then realized I had no idea where to go. A blond girl with blue eyes came up to me.

"Hi! I'm Nikole. Who are you? Are you new here?" she spoke very quickly.

"Um yes I'm Sam and I'm new here. Well I better head on to class." I said then I walked away before she could reply.

It was rude but she looked like the typical cheerleader and I've had way too many encounters with those at my old school. As of right now I am only interested in one girl. Just as I had hoped I saw her walking by me.

I ran up to her and said "Um excuse me, can you please tell me where room 528 is?" I heard myself say. She told me she had the same class so I just followed. Then I secretly did a victory dance in my head. When we got to the classroom everyone stared but she began going towards her seat so I followed her. Then a guy went up to her.

"Wow Ale you look..stunning." he said. Then he looked over at me and glared. Great first day of school and I already have a guy hating on me.

"And you are?" he asked trying to hide his glare.

I gave him a friendly smile and replied, "I'm Sam nice to meet you." I offered my hand to him and he shook it firmly.

Then another guy came in late.

"Marko this is barely the second week of school and you've already been late three times. Am I going to have to send you to the principal's?" I heard Mr.Romero say.

"No sir, I'm sorry. I'd say it'll never happen again, but you know I'm not a liar." "Marko" said with a smirk forming. He made his way to a seat diagonal to me then his jaw dropped when he saw Alejandra, but hid it fast with a smirk. What is this? I know she's beautiful but does every guy look at her that way? I'm gonna have to try harder to win her over before any of these guys do.  Then I got an idea.

"Hey Ale would you like to go to lunch with me? I would like to get to know this place and you were the first person I met." I said.

"Oh sure I'd love to!" she said. I smiled and went back to paying attention. Shortly after the bell rang and I stood up. Ale turned to me and asked to see my schedule. I handed it to her and she frowned.

"Well I guess we don't have any classes together until 7th period so for lunch just meet me where we first met." With that she walked away, so I just went to  my next class.


Sorry super short chapter but that's what was going through Sam's mind. I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter will be back to normal point of view(Alejandra's) and I've decided to add a little section as to what will happen next right under my author's note so check it out!

Upcoming chapter: Sam's and Ale's lunch date!

*Important* Please please give me some feedback even if it's just a "(:" it doesn't take long and you would make me very happy((:

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