Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 2

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Next to Marko was William. Now this guy, oh my this guy. William is so sweet and nice and..ah cute, charming and the list could go on forever. I've had a crush on him for years now, but of course he would never notice me like that. Only as a friend.

"Hey babe! Ale!" I heard Marko yell. He knows I hate for him to talk to me that way..or in any way, so he does it to bother me. I glared at him and hurried to sit as far away as possible from him, which sadly meant away from Will.

"Not so fast Ms.Johnson Your assigned seat is behind Marko." said Mr.Romero told me right before I was able to sit in a desk in the back corner.

I silently went towards the empty desk, but not before glaring once again at Marko.

"Hey Ale" someone whispered. I looked up and saw it was Will.

"Y-yes?" Ugh I always get nervous around him making me look completely stupid sometimes.

"Uh a couple of us are going to Starbucks after practice. Do you wanna come? You can take Nikole if you want." he asked. Oh God he asked!

"Oh uh sure!" I said a bit too loud causing a stern look from Mr.Romero. Marko turned around and smirked at me while adding "can't get enough of me huh? I guess I'll see you after school." Oh great of course he'd go, he's Will's best friend. I rolled my eyes at him and went back to listening to Mr.Romero.

My next three classes went by pretty quickly and finally it was lunch time. I grabbed lunch and went to sit down in the "popular" table. Nikki sat next to me and I decided to tell her about the after school plans. She agreed quickly..too quickly. Did I forget to mention she has a huge crush on Marko? Yep. Ever since middle school she has been in love with him. Back then when he wasn't a jerk. We finished lunch and headed towards the gym where the pep rally was hosted. I would tell you about it, but it was pointless. It was short because a fight broke out in the Freshmen section. Well there goes our Senior pep rally.

The day ended fast and I headed to soccer practice. I'm a Sports Medicine Trainer so I had to be there in case any injuries occurred. The boys ran out to the field shortly afterwards, Will running out last. He poked my side and gave me a smile that gave me butterflies. I smiled back and watched him play. He was so good, but not as good as Mr.Arrogant over there. Practice was a bit boring after that because there were no injuries so basically I just stood there for two whole hours. When Nikole was done with cheer practice we all went to Starbucks. It was normal hanging out with these people, but something odd occurred. I sat there enjoying my latte when someone whispered in my ear, "you look beautiful." I turned to face this person and it was Marko. I thought he was playing around being a jerk but his tone of voice seemed almost...sincere.


Hey! Well here's the first official chapter! Please give me feedback on this story. Since it's my first I don't know how I'm doing so any kind of feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading((: 

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