Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 9

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Ale's P.O.V

We arrived at the mall where the closest McDonald's was located. I got out of the car with everyone following behind me. I was walking with Marko on my right and William on my left. I turned and noticed Nikki with Sam in the back. Smiling, I kept walking pretending not to notice them and opened the door of the mall. The food court was on the second floor and we approached it rapidly. I went straight to the line and looked behind me. William smiled at me sweetly and I smiled back. Behind him were Sam and Nikki, but Marko was missing. "Hey Will where's Marko?" I asked. He was right next to me like two minutes ago. William rolled his eyes as he pointed at him.

I looked towards him, and there he was, flirting with some girls in cheer-leading uniforms. Typical Marko. I was about to look away when I noticed the girls were wearing Lakewood High uniforms. My jaw tightened. How dare he! Those are our ultimate rivals. Every year we had to compete against them for every sport. They were almost as good as us. Ha emphasis on almost. "So Will..how would you like to see Marko embarrassed?" i asked with a devilish grin. "Hm Ale I would probably even pay to watch that." he replied with a small laugh.

"OK save my spot be right back. Watch and learn." I winked at him. I made my way to Marko and tapped his shoulder. "Oh Marky Mark why are you talking to these..girls?" I said eyeing them up and down. I laughed at them then turned to Marko, "Oh babe I remember now! You had told me that next time you saw Lakewood girls you'd flirt with them to prove they meet up to their reputation of sluts!" I said wanting to give up and laugh.

I kept a straight face and kissed his cheek. "Well once you're done with them, we'll be sitting over at that table." I said getting the reactions I wanted from both, Marko and the girls. Marko blushed noticing he looked like a complete douche. Not that he wasn't one, but he was also not used to having people know. I turned to the girls and they were boiling with anger. I made my way back to my spot in line and ordered my food. William high fived me and we both went to grab a seat.

"Number 43?" I heard the cashier call my order number. I stood up and went to get my food. I noticed a really cute guy holding my food. He had black hair and twinkly eyes. He was pale and had piercings like your stereotypical emo boy, but he was adorable. I reached for my food but his hand stopped me. "Nuh uh uh. Before this, how about your name first, princess?" I blushed and said, "Alejandra." He smiled at me. "Well Alejandra my name is Dallas and written on your receipt is my phone number. You should call me some time." I giggled and nodded, then went back to my seat.

Nikki had seen everything that had happened and she squealed while squeezing my arm. I was as excited as she was. Then she told me "Oh girl! Lucky! He's a cutie!!" I laughed and nodded. I turned and saw three very grumpy guys. Will spoke up first. "What the heck is his problem? Doesn't he know how to treat girls?!" Then Sam. "It's because of guys like him girls say all guys are jerks!" I laughed at that. And last, but certainly not least *note sarcasm* Marko spoke up. "Who does he think he is? You can't call him, by the way and if he comes near you again..Well he'll just wish he hadn't." That got me mad. no not even near. I was beyond pissed. "You know what? I appreciate you guys' 'concern', but last time I checked I am single and also you guys have no right to restrict me from anyone. Hell if I wanted to go get every number of every guy in this room I would and I could." I finished with satisfaction and Nikki gave me an approving smile.

Marko's P.O.V

What?! First the new guy Sam, then William, and now this guy? If I want her I'm going to need a much bigger effort. Plan A  on and ROLLING. Man, I have no plans. I looked over to the guy and gave him a death glare. He would not stop staring at Ale. MY Ale. I decided to make him a little visit. I stood up and began making my way to the guy, but someone grabbed on to my arm to stop me. "What are you doing?! Didn't you hear anything I just told you?!" yelled a ver pissed off Ale. "Well he won't stop staring at you!" I said. "Oh well remember those girls you were flirting with when we got here? Why is that right and Dallas staring at me not?" she asked her eyes softer. She had me there. I gave up and decided it was time to go back to school. I told everyone and they agreed.

We began leaving, I was leading the way, so I was ahead. But close enough to the rest to catch Ale give that Dallas guy a quick wave. He waved back and winked. Is that what I look like?

Ale's P.O.V

I was definitely calling him. He was so dreamy and his voice was deep and sexy. Maybe I should invite him to the game. Why not? "Hey guys start heading to the car I'll be right there." I said tossing my keys to Nikki. Thankfully they didn't question me and I went back into McDonald's. Dallas was busy, but he was close enough to hear me. "Um hey Dallas?" He turned around and when he saw me he smiled. "I was wondering..Wanna go to a soccer game with me tonight? I'm in the half-time show, but I can see you after that." I said hope clear in my voice. He nodded and said, "Yea I'd love to. I didn't think you were interested. Plus your..friends..don't seem too fond of me." I laughed and said, "Oh don't mind them." I told him I'd text him the info and left towards my car.

I had a grin from ear to ear when I reached my car. Wow today just keeps getting better and better. "Please tell me whatever you did had nothing to do with that kid." said William. "So what if it did?" I said and drove to school. We made it to school and walked around for a bit. I really did not understand why we needed an hour and a half of lunch. Ridiculous. I decided I needed some time alone with Nikki so I said bye to the guys and dragged her along with me. "He's coming to the game!!" I exclaimed. "OMG no way!! Since when did you become so bold?" she asked. "Since I figured out I have a few months left in high school and that's it." I replied with no thinking involved. "Hey and what's up with you and Sam?" I questioned winking. She blushed and she needed no words to tell me she liked him. "Ah! How cute!" I told her.

It felt good to talk to her alone. Lately we had passed too much time with the guys. We made our way to history class and waited for the intercome to release performing students for the game. I decided to text Dallas the details. 'Hey! So the game is at Sunset High School at 3:45. See you there(; -Alejandra' He replied with 'Can't wait beautiful<3' I laughed forgetting I was in class.

"Would you like to share your joke, Ms.Johnson?" asked Ms.Lopez. "No ma'am." I told her. Ms.Lopez is a very young teacher. She is around 24, but she is always in the worst mood. I think she will look eighty by the time she's forty.

"Teachers, please excuse this interruption. Release all students involved in this afternoon's game. Check their pass and do not allow any other student out." the intercom finally came up.

Nikki and I stood up along with a few other soccer players, cheerleaders, and dancers. We showed our pass to Ms.Lopez and left. I went straight to the dance room to get ready and change into our outfits.(link on the side) We were ready and before we had time to rehearse it was 3:35. "Ok girls let's start heading to the field. Please remember to put on your sweater for cover up." I told all of the girls.

As we arrived at the field I saw a lot of people coming out to support the team. I began stretching to calm down my nerves, then decided to go into the girl's locker room to wish Nikki good luck. On the way I bumped into Marko and William. I gave them a good luck hug and continued my way towards Nikki. Before I could open the door Nikki came out. "Ale! I was about to go wish you luck!" she said.

I gave her a hug. "Aww that's what I'm here for, Good luck! Remember we are going out tonight!" i told her.I went back to the girls and decided it was time for the pump up speech. The game had just began and we still had 45 minutes, but I wanted to watch the game. "Girls gather up!" I yelled. They all came and I began.

"Ok each person in the audience has a different reason to be here. Let's change that! Let's be their first reason. I don't want dancers who want to dance, I want dancers who NEED to dance. Let's show them! I love all of you and I don't want any injuries, so please be careful. Last thing do not forget to smile!" I was very satisfied with my speech and began a group hug. I love these girls to death.

I went back to watching the game as I received a call. Without looking at the name I answered. "Hello?" I said. "I can see you! Ha well I just wanted to say good luck oh and turn to your left." I turned and saw Dallas waving from the bleachers. I waved back and felt like this day was only getting better by the minute.


Chapter 9((: I loved this chapter! Hope you did too!

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