Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 7

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Ale's P.O.V

We arrived at my house 10 minutes after and it was barely a bit past 12 since we have a very early lunch. Before we got out of the car I decided to ask Nikki something. "Hey by the way why did you act so..carefree in the cafeteria about Marko. I mean aren't you in love with him or whatever?" She looked at me with a guilty expression, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hide this from you, but I realized it was nothing more than a crush and I got over him." "Well what made you realize that?" I asked. "I'm not sure.. It might be that for over 6 years nothing has happened." she said. For once in my life I felt like my love life was better than hers, but I couldn't help myself and feel guilty.

Just as I was about to reply William came over and opened the door for me. My heart skipped a beat and I smiled widely at him. "So can I talk to you?" he asked and I gladly nodded. We all headed to the front door and Nikki led them to the basement where we had a theatre along with a game room(link on the right), while William and I went to the garden to talk. "Well I think I should be honest with you,"he said,"I never thought you would like me. I always thought you had a crush on Marko. But hey if you like me why not? Wanna be my girlfriend?" I stared at him dumbfounded. I had been waiting for this moment for four years and this is what I get? No this kid was going to have to try harder. "Not today." I said waking out with a smirk on my face.

I went back to the theatre and game room  just in time to hear Marko ask, "So are you girls going to our game tomorrow?" asked Marko winking at us. I rolled my eyes at him and said, "you're stupid I'm a dancer and Nikki is a cheerleader. You know cheerleaders are there at every game and dancers perform at first and last games during half time." Nikki slapped his head and we all laughed at him.  

It began getting late so Nikki, Sam and Will left leaving Marko and I alone. "Alekins I'm hungry." he whined. "Aww Marky Mark in case you haven't noticed we have a kitchen." I replied sarcastically. After more of his whining I gave up and went to make him something to eat. I settled on a quick pepperoni pizza. It was ready in no time and I took it out of the oven and called Marko over. He came in quickly taking a seat on a stool by the counter.

I heard my mom come into the kitchen back from work. "Hey mommy! How was your day?" I asked. "Oh it was great Ale and yours? And who's this?" she asked me, but looking at Marko. "It as good and mom this is Marko, Marko this is my mom." I said introducing them. He stood up and offered his hand to my mom, "Nice to meet you ma'am." Wow he sure is a great actor. "Oh none of that call me Ruby. Well I won't bother you kids I'll be upstairs in my room. I'm exhausted." she said. I rolled my eyes and went back to cutting the pizza.

"So what do you wanna drink? Or here just take a cup and get whatever from the soda fountain." I said handing him a cup and pointing to the soda fountain we had next to the fridge. He looked at me surprised and ran to grab a drink. I laughed at him noticing he looked like a little kid ready for some candy. We ate making fun of each other but having a lot of fun. Once we finished I noticed it was past nine so Marko needed to go home and rest for his game. I pressed the speaker in the kitchen pressing the code to my mom's bedroom "Mom I'm taking Marko home I'll be back quickly." I said into the speaker. "Ok don't make too much noise when you come back." she replied.

I turned to Marko and he nodded letting me know he was ready to leave. We went to the garage and got into my car. I drove out and headed to his house. I had been there for a couple of parties so I knew the way. "Dang girl you have a nice car. I had seen it before but I had never told you." he said. I started speeding because..well come on if you had a sporty car like this you would speed too. "Woah I would rather not die this young and hot." he said. I looked at him and said "Dude bring your ego down just a notch or two and we'll be fine." I dropped him off and once he got out of the car he waved at me before entering.

I went back home and thought about everything that had happened that day. Today was just crazy. Maybe tomorrow would be better. Tomorrow I will show the whole school what the dance team had, my dance team. Dancing always relaxes me so I looked foward to that friday. I got ready for bed and went to sleep anticipating the events to follow.


Well! Chapter 7! My favorite number. oh! so I had promised a soccer game a couple of chapters back and I had forgotten about it but the next chapter will have it! And also The next chapter(won't really be a chapter though) will be a page with links to the extra characters I've added along with upcoming ones and houses, cars etc.((:

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