Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One: Chapter 16

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Wrong! So, so wrong!

You know those days when you wake up and say, "today will be an amazing day," then turns out to be the worst day of your life? Well that was how the carnival was.

"Dude, could you stop flirting with my girlfriend?" Aww, how cute Marko was being jealous. Wrong! It was cute, the first three times he did it, but by the twelfth time, it was just annoying.

"Chill, man! This you've warned me a million times and I've told you a million times that I am not flirting," replied Anthony, getting clearly annoyed.

By this time, we were all annoyed. These two had been fighting non-stop ever since we arrived. Nikki and Sam had ditched us, because they couldn't stand the fighting. Of course, their excuse was something different, but I think we all knew the reason. William was walking behind with Ashton, catching up, and then there was me. I was stuck in the middle of Marko and Anthony. Marko was holding my hand, protectively while Anthony stood way too close to me. I knew Anthony wasn't flirting, but I also knew he was too much of a guy to lose this argument.

"Alright! Stop it!" I yelled. "You figure it out on your own while I go have fun." I went towards William and Ashton. I left behind three very confused boys as I grabbed William's hand, leading him to the nearest roller coaster.

"Man those two sure don't like each other, huh?" said Will. He was trying to make small talk, but it wasn't working.

I ignored his comment, but said, "Oh geez, you're my friend. We're never awkward so let's have some fun!"

The line of the roller coster was very short. It was the biggest ride in the whole carnival, so many people were scared of it.

"Alright, you ready?" asked the ride operator in a funny southern accent. I was almost one hundred percent sure it was fake.

I covered my laugh with a cough and nodded getting into the tiny cart. Will followed right behind me, then we were ready to go. There was a couple in the cart in front of us. The poor girl looked clearly terrified and the boy was holding her hand tightly. They looked no older that fifteen, and they were the cutest thing ever. The ride began and the girl yelled at the top of her lungs. I laughed and turned to William. He had an amused expression, as well.

Too soon for my liking, the ride was over. The cute couple were walking out holding hands. I was jealous of how cute they looked. If only Marko wasn't so jealous. Just then, Marko made his was over to me with a weird expression on his face. It was a mixture of anger, jealousy, and love. His eyes were soft, but his jaw was clenched and his arms were crossed. Oh God.

"Why did you leave?" he asked in a cold tone.

"Oh no. Don't give me that tone, you were exaggerating! I came here to have fun, not hear you and Anthony fight," I replied pointing my finger at him. I was too sick and tired of hearing him argue all afternoon.

"Ashton, can we leave please?" I asked turning to face Ashton.

"Um yeah, come on," he said grabbing my hand.

"Bye Will, if you see Nikki please tell her I'll talk to her later!" I said giving him a quick hug. "Bye Anthony, it was nice meeting you, hope to see you more often," I said with a slight smile. Then I left, without a single word to Marko, and I was very proud of myself. 

I heard Marko call my name, but I was disappointed. He always did this when we went out. No guy could talk to me, because he would get jealous. It hurt, because I felt like he didn't trust me. If anyone should be having trust issues, it was me. After all, he was the player, not me.

We arrived at home faster than we should have. Ashton was speeding. he always did this when he was upset, but for once, I didn't complain. All I wanted to do was sleep. I turned off my phone as I made my way to my room. I took off my make up and changed into my pajamas, but I don't remember anything after that. I fell asleep too quickly.

I woke up the next morning, and turned on my phone. Twenty-one missed calls, fourteen messages, and sixteen voicemails. I replied the texts Nikki had sent me, but I left Marko's unopened. He needed to understand he was not the only guy in my life. Argh! Why are guys so.. stupid, and annoying, and every other insult possible. Why?

I heard my stomach rumbling. Breakfast time it is! As I opened my door I could make out voices in the kitchen downstairs. I distinguished my parents' and Ashton's.

"Good morning!" I exclaimed. I wasn't exactly in a good mood, but I didn't want Ashton asking questions.

"Morning, sweetie. I heard you and Ashton went to the carnival yesterday. How was it?" asked my mother.

I gave a look to Ashton, but covered it with a smile. "Um it was fun! I hadn't seen Ashton in months! Plus we also went to Wing Stop earlier and I met his friend Anthony."

"Oh I see. Do I sense a little crush?" asked my dad.

"Dad! No!...Oh I guess I forgot to mention I've been dating Marko for a couple of weeks."

"What? Marko Clinton?" they exclaimed at the same time.

"Uh yes! I guess we've been too busy, so I forgot to mention it."

My parents' eyes widened and I realized what I had said.

"Oh God no! Not like that.." I said trying to find something good to say. Instead of replying, the stood there staring at me.

"Uh.. well I guess I'll eat in my room," I said feeling uneasy.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and ran to my room, careful not to make a mess. I sat on my bead, trying to take in what had happened. It was a ridiculous scene. I began eating as I opened my laptop and logged into Facebook.

Status Update

Jade Johnson: Ahh! I can't wait to see my cousins Ale and Ashton!

Oh my gosh! My cousins are coming! I guess I should plan my birthday party soon, so they can be here.

I grabbed my cellphone and dialed a number I knew by heart.

"Nikki? Yeah come over ASAP! We have some party planning to do!"


*IMPORTANT NOTE* I would like to thank all of my readers! Over 700 reads is just amazing! Yay!

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