Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 11

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Ale's P.O.V

"Quick! Call an ambulance!" I yelled. I was panicking and no one was doing anything to calm me down.

"I called as soon as I saw it was William, don't worry. Everything will be fine," said Sam.

I looked away attempting to fight back my tears again. I needed to calm down and try to help him. Come on Ale, you've been a trainer for three years, you can do this. I looked at Will and decided to slowly carry him to a more open area where he could breathe better. I properly grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him out of the car.

"Nikki, bring me that blanket i have in my back seat please! Hurry!" I yelled at her.

She grabbed it and extended it on the floor. With her help, I put him down slowly, being more careful with his head. What's taking the ambulance so long?! I remembered I had my first aid kit in my car. I ran to it and opened the trunk. There it was. My shiny red kit.

♫♪When I walk in the spot, this is what I see. Everybody stops and they staring at me

I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it

I'm sexy and I know it ♪♫

Agh. I completely forgot to call Marko. He must be worried. Psh yeah right.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello yeah I've been waiting here for like an hour. Coming or what?" he said clearly angry.

"It has not been an hour. I'm sorry, Marko. Um there's been an accident it's-" I began, but couldn't finish. I broke out crying again.

"Alekins? What's wrong? Who's hurt?!" he yelled into the phone.

i flinched. "It's W-William. He..he crashed and the ambulance is on it's way, but I have to go help him. Just drive down the road. You'll see us." I told him pleadingly. "Please hurry." I finished in a whisper.

I ran back with my kit and began taking out the alcohol napkins. i pressed on his wound attempting to make it stop. It finally stopped, so I began wrapping his head with ace wrap. The ambulance finally arrived with Marko right behind them.

The paramedics brought the bed and moved him onto it. I felt somebody wrap their arms around me.

"Marko! Oh my god! What if he doesn't make it? I tried making the blood stop but-" I said.

"Shh," he replied putting a finger against my lips. "Come on let's go. We're going in my car, because you're too nervous to drive," he said taking me to his car.

We followed the ambulance to the nearest hospital, which was only a couple of minutes away. We ran up to the waiting room, Sam and Nikki right behind us, trying to pace ourselves. A few moments later, doctor came out.

"Family of William Hansel?" he said.

All four of us stood up in a flash and ran to his side. "We're his friends. His parents are out of town," I said. The doctor nodded and continued speaking.

"Well, his crash caused a severe injury on the right side of his head, but whoever cleaned him up and wrapped the injury saved his life. He might have not made it, but thanks to that, he is in a stable condition. Two of you may go up there at a time." he finished.

My mouth was opened wide in shock. I saved his life?! Oh my God. I took a deep breath and looked at Nikki. I gave her a huge hug, then she said, "Why don't you and Marko go on up there. You're much closer to him. We'll go once you're back." I nodded slightly and began walking down the hall. Room 891. I opened the door quietly and saw Will was awake. I smiled and ran to the side of his bed.

"How are you feeling? You gave us quite a scare." I told him.

He smiled weakly, "I'm feeling better. I feel weak though. And this hospital food sucks."

I laughed. "Well when Nikki and Sam come in Marko and I will go get you food. We're all starving, but anyways, what exactly happened?" I asked.

"Well I had a missed call and i wanted to see who it was then the car in front of me stopped so instead of crashing into it I turned right and crashed into the tree." he replied.

I shook my head, then Marko spoke up for the first time.

"Well dude glad you're okay. I'm so grateful Ale was there to save you," he told William sincerely.

"What?" he asked clearly confused.

"Um why don't we go grab food, Marko? Well bye Will. See you later!" I exclaimed dragging Marko out of the room. He looked at me questioningly but shrugged it off as soon as I mentioned going to Wendy's.

We drove calmly with music blasting loud and our heads moving along with the beat. i laughed at the scene, but continued anyways. We reached the nearest Wendy's and decided to eat there so that Nikki and Sam could have time with William.

"So how exactly did you know what to do with Will?" asked Marko.

"Well trainers have an actual training week. Coach taught us first aid, like CPR and stuff." I answered.

"Well I'm glad. Hey I've been meaning to tell you something. I don't know If Wendy's is the right place, but I don't think I can stand any more time to go by." he told me, with a serious look.

I began getting nervous. This guy was never serious. He took a deep breath.


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