Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 12

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Marko's P.O.V

Should I tell her? Why not, right? Okay here it goes.

"Ale, wait why are you looking at me like that?"

"Dude you're never serious. This must be good," she said. I wanted to laugh, but I was too nervous. Dude come on you're Marko Clinton. THE Marko Clinton.

"Okay I.. I really... eh whatever. I like you. Like really like you," I said.

Then, she started laughing. Really hard. For about ten minutes. And then, she stopped and looked at me without blinking for about three more minutes. The three longest minutes of my life.

"What do you mean you like me? You've hated me for the past four years."

"I kinda hated you for a year, then I began liking you. I had to cover up. What? You think THE Marko Clinton would just become soft out of no where?" I said. Then i continued. "So, Alekins, would you like to be mine and only mine? As in be my girlfriend?..Please?"

She hesitated for a few minutes. "I..Marko you know I've liked Will for the longest time. I've liked your best friend. I can't do that to him."

"Okay i think it's time you know the truth. Will is my best friend, but he's not the 'sweet and charming' guy you like. Well okay he is sweet and charming or whatever, but he doesn't like you. When he asked you out, he only did it because he's been secretly dating this girl, Monique, and she broke up with him. He wanted revenge, because he's in love with that girl. And she broke his heart." I took a deep breath. "She broke his heart, and he wanted jealousy in return."

Her eyes began getting watery, then she ran out of the restaurant. What have I done?

Ale's P.O.V

All the thoughts were racing through my mind, so I ran. I ran until I found myself in a place full of trees. I looked down and saw my reflection on a broken mirror. Who am I? What is going on? And why am I thinking about Marko? This guy supposedly liked me, but just last week he was with that slutty girl Emma, so why should I believe anything he says? He's probably lying about William then. Well, no, I would never lie about Nikki just to get a guy.

"Ale! Where the heck are you?" I heard a voice yell out. I stayed quiet, but he quickly found me anyways.

"Marko, please just leave me alone."

"I will not leave you alone, just listen to me. i know what you're thinking. I was with Emma just last week, and Megan before that, and Cassy even before that. But did you ever notice something they all have in common?" he asked.

I looked up to meet his eyes. "That they're all drop- dead gorgeous?"

"Not one of them is drop- dead gorgeous. All of them have brown hair and green eyes."

Just like me. "What?" I asked quietly.

"I tried dating girl that had similar features to you, but I finaly realized I don't like you only for your appearance. I like the whole package deal, you know" he said adding a wink at the end.

I laughed at that. Then I stayed quiet for a little, until I looked back up at him.

"Yes," I said.

"Hm? Yes what?"

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend. I think it's time I think about myself and not about what other want." i felt truly happy for the first time in a long time.

"Are you serious? Best person ever, Alekins!"

I gave him a big hug, which he followed with a sweet kiss.

"We should head back. Will must be starving. Probably Nikki and Sam too," I told him.

"Sure thing, Alekins," he replied, grabbing my hand and leading me back.

The day has brightened up. And maybe my whole life will brighten up too. Maybe, just maybe.

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