Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 3

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It has been two days since the pointless Starbucks "moment" and I can't get it out of my mind. It's Sunday night and after countless of hours of just lying down on my bed attempting to sleep I finally made my decision. I will not let it get to me. I mean he's a jerk and he's arrogant the only good thing about him is his best friend. Plus if Nikki ever finds out she will kill me for two reasons. One:uh she's totally in love with him and two: because I didn't tell her. Oh gosh I am making this a way too big of a deal, but that was one of the first times a guy had said something like that to me other than my older brother, Ashton, and my dad.

I woke up the next morning against my will and decided to get ready for school now before I had to rush there. I went over to my closet and quickly grabbed some shirt and some jeans and my converse, but then I remembered about William. This is my senior year it's my last year with him I had to impress him. Go hard or go home, right? I ran back to my closet and picked out a cute outfit.(A/N: Link on the side) Then I let my natural curls fall down and applied a natural look of make up. I looked at myself on the full length mirror in my room and my jaw dropped wide open. I know I didn't do much, but I had never felt so confident about myself. From now on I really have to do this every morning.

I ran down stairs to the kitchen instantly in a good mood as I smelled  chocolate chip waffles being made. I saw my mom making them.

"Good morning, mom!" I said.

"Hm hello sweetie, what has you in such a good mood this morning?" she asked, still unaware of my outfit I had chosen.

She had bought me this dress a while back hoping I'd wear it someday.

"Oh I don't know it's just a pretty morning."

She then turned  around and I saw her eyes twinkle with excitement as she saw the dress.

"Honey! You look amazing today!" she exclaimed as she gave me a hug.

I finished eating and began leaving. "Thank you, mom. Well I better get going. At least I don't have to pick up Nikole on the way. Her brother is on break from college and he's giving her a ride. When does Ashton come back?" I asked.

"Well he's not sure but I think he'll be back soon. You know how different his schedule is from yours." she replied. "Yeah you're right. Well goodbye mom. I will see you after school!"

As I got closer to school i began getting nervous. What if Will still doesn't like me? Relax, I told myself, just smile at him then he'll notice you. I began to fill myself with confidence and got out of my car. On the way I couldn't find Nikki anywhere so I decided to head to first period, but a guy who I had never seen before stopped me. He was charming and he seemed really sweet.

"Um excuse me, I'm new here. Can you please tell me where room 528 is?" he asked.

"Oh of course you go straight and- wait I'm going there too just follow me." I said.

We walked together and when we entered the classroom everyone laid eyes on us. I wasn't sure if it was because of me or because of him, but whatever it was we couldn't just stand there forever.

I looked around and our teacher wasn't there so I turned to the guy and said "well I don't know where Mr.Romero is, but you can come sit next to me. There's an empty desk. Wait what's your name?"

He followed me towards his seat and said "I'm Sam and you?" with an award winning smile.

"I'm Alejandra" I said suddenly getting shy.

He was about to reply when William appeared at my desk.

"Wow Ale you look...stunning" he said. Then turned to Sam "and you are?"

I swear I could see a glare towards Sam, but knowing me I was probably hallucinating.

"I'm Sam nice to meet you." He offered a hand shake and William took it hesitantly.


Well there you go, chapter 3. Oh and also if you guys can PLEASE give me feedback that would be amazing. Tell me anything you want, good or bad. Have a nice day((:

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