Once An Arrogant Jock, Forever One:Chapter 8

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Ale's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning extremely excited for the game. As uniform, I put on my red sweats with my red dance team sweater. I loved wearing this because it made the whole team look professional. Plus we looked totally cute in it!

I packed my costume along with hair products and make up in my huge dance bag then went down stairs. It was an hour earlier than usual because before every performance that Nikki and I have, we go out for breakfast. My mom was still asleep so without making any noise I made my way to my car then to Nikki's house.

When I got there, she was walking out wearing her cheer uniform. I grinned at her and she jogged to my car. "So where to?" she asked putting on her seat belt and tossing her huge cheer bag to the back seat."Well I'm in the mood for some pancakes!" I said. We looked at each other and said at the same time, "Charley's!" I sped down the road arriving at Charley's. 

We finished breakfast and hurried to school. We each went directly to our first period barely making it before the ate bell. I took my seat by the boys and ignored their questioning glances. I was always early, so barely making it on time was a surprise. Brightening up my day even more, I noticed we had a substitute teacher. I was a good and respectful student, but not when it came to subs. It was so much fun to mess with them.

It might sound childish, but it's like a rule in this school and you had to remember every substitute because you could only mess with them once. It worked well because we began this our freshmen year and none of the other classes did it. Our first sub of the year? Let's do this! Every time we had a sub in a class like this, we always watched videos and take notes, which is why I always had a universal remote in my locker. I asked to go to my locker and quickly grabbed it, hiding it in my pockets. When I made my way back to class I saw the other students look at me and smirk, knowing what I was about to do. The sub took out the TV and turned it on. I pressed the off button and she looked at the TV confused.

She turned it on again and pressed play, so I pressed pause. I saw some people snickering. She was already seated, so as soon as she reached the TV I pressed play before she could do anything. She sighed and went back to her chair. I decided to end my joke by pressing eject. The vieo stopped and the lid opened.

"OK guys I don't know what's wrong with this so I guess just sit there quietly." she said in a bored tone. Ha mission accomplished. I noticed she was too calm about everything and decided to make her at lest a bit paranoid. I made the signal meaning to start the wave and some kid in the corner began. After a couple of time of doing it she began yelling at us, "Guys! Stop OK?" Eh..good, but not good enough. Therefore, I began the question mania. "So Miss, how's life?" I asked. She began to answer, but I interrupted, "Nah never mind don't answer." I said gaining an annoyed look from her. Marko spoke up next, "And what is a beautiful lady like you doing in a place like this?" he said clearly looking at her. She blushed and opened her mouth to speak. "Well I-" Marko interrupted, "I wasn't talking to you." he said. She gave him a deep glare. The game went on like this until she gave up and once again yelled at us.

We kept messing with her doing stupid and childish things like that until the bell rang. We all cheered running out of the classroom as our grand finale. I began laughing in the hallway not being able to contain it anymore as I made my way into dance for second period. "Alright girls! Listen up!' I yelled getting the attention I wanted. "OK, so today is our first performance and I want us to do our best. We will go out there later this afternoon and show Sunset High School what this dance team is all about. Now get in your spots and let's start from the beginning with counts. 5,6,7 8!"

We began with our last practice before the afternoon performance. I did the routine along with the girls a couple of times, then I stood by the mirror and watched them. "Very good girls you may rest. I think we have it down so you can suit out now and get ready for the bell." I was very excited because I knew everyone would love this performance. Smiling to myself, I went to suit out and redo my makeup. By the time I was ready the bell rang, I made my way to third period.

My third period class was English. I hate this class so much, but the weird thing is that I love my teacher. Mrs.White is the sweetest old lady ever, but her class is just boring. I sat in class waiting for it to be over so lunch could come around. Finally the bell rang and I practically ran out of class. I met with my friends by the main entrance of the school and once everyone was there we made our way to our cars. We had decided to go out for McDonald's today instead of staying in school for lunch. I was skipping around like a little girl because I love McDonald's! People started looking at me weird, so I stopped and began walking normal.

"So who's coming with me? Oh wait we all fit in my car why don't we just go in there?" I asked. Normally Corvettes only have two front seats, but I had mine custom made with 5 seats like a normal car. "Shotgun!" Nikki and Sam yelled at the same time. They stopped in the middle of the street to play paper scissors rock. I rolled my eyes and got in the drivers seat. Meanwhile William got in the passenger's seat and I eyed him with a questioning look. "Hey if they're dumb enough to stop instead of running to this seat, somebody must teach them how it's done." He replied. I laughed and shook my head. Marko went in the back seat and we waited for Nikki and Sam. I looked through the rear view mirror. They looked so cute arguing together. Hm..Cupid mode ON!

They finally realized they had both lost the seat, and reluctantly made their way to the back seat. I laughed at them and drove off.


Woo! Chapter 8 is OUT! I have some ideas for Chapter 9 and I'm actually going out for dinner in a little, but when I come back I will write it! Yay!

Next Chapter: Jealousy! But whose?(;

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