Chapter 24

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Dedicated to hailimosley. She's the first to comment! Please go read a story of my friend @ndreeyx, she just published her first work! Please go and show her support!

Songs for this chapter:

- Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars

- Stay With Me by Sam Smith

- Superman by Joe Brooks



Now I know and slowly understand the girl that I mysteriously falling for. She doesn't perfectly get along with her own self that wanted a guy to make the first move. The question why she pushed me and make it so hard for me to break her wall finally answered.

She liked me too (I knew it from the kiss) and afraid to confront it. She was afraid what I was going to say and do about it. For all that I did to her, pester her and fool around her, I actually wanted attention. So that she'll feel bored when I wasn't around. But it made me uncomfortable that she didn't. Nobody, none of the girls did that to me. It was new and I wanted to explore. Everytime I touched her, she made me felt alive.

Because now I like her, might even fall in love with her. Hard. Now that I get to touch her, to kiss her, to hold her and almost have her all to myself, I really wanted her to be mine.

"You done?" I asked impatiently.

"Yeah... Almost... Gosh the books here are so amazing!" She half hyperventilating near the shelf while flipping through the pages.

"Yeah amazing. Hurry up. We still got a place to go." I said flatly. Severely regretted to bring her here. But it delighten me seeing her smile and happy for a second. Because of books. What a nerd. I thought to myself.

"I got it." She walked right to the counter. I stopped her when she pushing the money ti the cashier.

"I can pay for this one Dwayne. You paid enough." She rolled her eyes to me.

"No. It's our date. And I want to buy something for you." I hope she won't whine about this.

"No. You've spent enough. I'll pay for my own book." She'll not stop whining about this.

"Gosh Maya. You're just too stubborn. Just let me pay for this. Take it as my first present for you on our first date. It's not so hard to accept it. Every girl that I've date before you won't compromise." The corner of my eye lingered to the cashier who was a bit off of our little drama.

"I'm not like your every girl." Course you were. That's why I like you.


"Fine. But I'll pay for myself right after this." She finally gave in making me grin.

"Don't grin like that. You looked like a retard." I still kept the grin while shoving the money to the cashier. Maya annoyed by my act and walked outside the fair before me. Considering it was quite favorable that I can spend my money on her. I didn't why I like it but it felt good.

"So where to now?" She asked.

"Hotel. You're a turn on when you whine." She smacked my arm hard leaving a red mark on the spot.

"Owww! C'mon! Every date ends with hooking up." I prostested. She pinched my arm and it was more hurtful than the smack.

"You're disgusting! Gosh take me home!"

"As in my home." I assured.

"Ughh I hate this." She crossed her arms on her chest.

"Out of one to ten, how romantic am I?" I can't stop biting my lips. She's just too funny. I can't miss a day without pestering her.

"Negative 10. You're an asshole." She spatted out.

"Really? Might want to change that after we really together princess. You and I perfectly together." My right hand quickly brushed her chin and gave her eyebrows wiggle. She pulled back, surprised by my move.

"Eww don't touch me asshole. And we're not going to be together."

"Ahhh such a pride. Then what about the kiss?" She was silenced for awhile.

"I.. Dwayne, are we going to the lighthouse again?" At th second thought, people that was so genius like her wasn't so bad for realities. Guess she can think like a normal person.

"Bravo princess." I stated nochalantly.

"Why?" Fuck. This girl asked too many question.

"Because I feel like to. C'mon." I was relieved enough that the milieu was exactly the same when we're once went here before. The climb to the top was slightly annoying when she kept on missed steps.

"Really?" I said when we almost reached the top.

"Just help me you idiot." I grabbed her hand and pulled her upwards.

"Guess you can't stand not holding my hand huh?" She quickly released my hand and giving me a disapproving look.

"In your dreams asshole." I only chuckle and sat near the barrier. Having the calm night view from the top with the light turning and turning at our back. Maya joined me in, staring blankly at the scene.

"Do you like me princess?" I can tell that she stopped he breath for a second.

"W-why would you ask me that?"

"Because I like you." I only stared at her. It was a double intake. The night scene, and her view. Precious.

"I.. I don't know."

"You're lying Maya. Just be honest. What makes you so afraid to show what you feel?" She shifted uncomfortably. Still afraid to make an eye contact. And she kept silenced. Just her mouth parted sligtly trying to find proper words.

"Look at me Maya." She didn't. "Look at me."

"No. Why should I?" That was it. I needed to wash away her fears. So I went closer to her and held her hand, nearing my face to the side of her jaw.

"Then kiss me." The whisper and breath brushing her skin making her goosebumped. Still she refused to face me. I held her face with my index finger and making her turned towards me.

She kept her gaze to my eyes. And blinked numerous times. "Dwa-" She was too stubborn and I couldn't stand that. So I wasted no time kissing her lips. The feeling thunderstruck me again. It sent me a wild tingles all over me.

I really fucking like this girl.

The softness across her lips got me. I was locked onto it. I need to break her cage and lock myself inside. Exploring every bits of her. My right hand trailed to her cheek and deepen the kiss by syncing our tongues. Told you she liked me. Her lips moved with mine not too long after and moaned between the kiss. I could feel her hands squeezing my shoulders. Her body was so tempting that i ran my hands at her back and rubbed it slowly in circles. This moment was irreplaceble. I needed more of her. The make out was hot enough when I got to touch her thighs. Sad enough she wore long jeans to cover up.

She broke the kiss before I wanted to. Panting between breath with our eyes set on each other.

"Dwayne.." She said in a low voice.

"Yes?" I held her waist tight and closing the gap between us.

"What are we?" Exactly the expected question of the night.

"Maya.." I bore my eyes into hers once again. I'll never get used to her eyes. Too beautiful to resist.

"I want you to be my girlfriend."


I really suck at keeping promises. Always taking more days to update from what I promised. Gosh I really like Maya and Dwayne!

What country are you in?

Lysm xoxo

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