Chapter 6

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“I asked her to pick Ronnie’s present. She’s a friend anyway.” Xander tells him and Dwayne keeps his blank stare on me. I stuck my tongue out at him and look away without minding how’s his face goes after that. The rest of the hour is both awkward and infuriating. Dwayne keeps on annoying me by kicking my feet or mocks at me. I know he’s just trying to entertain Ronnie but I feel embarrassed.

The clock strikes 4.45 pm. “Xander, it’s my cue to leave.” I whisper at him when he’s cooking. Yeap Xander cooks. I just know that too. “I’m sure Dwayne does to. I’ll go ask him.” I stop him by grabbing his arm. “I don’t want to go with him. He’s a..”

“A what?” Dwayne’s voice make me jump at my spot. I turn to my back, seeing him crossing his arms across his buff chest. “You’re going?” Xander cuts him. Mentally thanking him for saving me from a chaos. “Yeap. It’s almost five. Family business at 6.”

“Can Maya joins you? You guys neighbors anyway.” He smiles at me but I don’t rejoin. Dwayne looks at me. “Okay.” He simply said as he exits from the kitchen. My body trembles and shooting Xander a pleading look.

“I’m going now or you’re coming?” Dwayne crooks his head at the door frame. I can’t do anything else except nod. Xander shots me a sorry look but I need to understand. He’s looking after his sister. And I’m just a guest. When I’m about to leave, Xander pulls me and wraps me around his arm. My body tense at his maneuver.

“Thanks for coming. It means so much to me.” He said in my ears. I pat his back and break the hug. Xander just hugged me unexpectedly. That’s a big understatement. “No probs. Bye!” I run my exit without looking behind. I don’t how to react honestly. Today has been a huge awkwardness. Apart from scowling against Dwayne.

From the front glass of Dwayne’s car, he’s tipping his finger on the steering wheel. The blush on my cheek is now replaced with irefulness. Everything about this guy sicken me. His stupid brunette, ridiculous stares, the way he walks, talks everything!

I take the back seat and close the door grumpily. “First don’t do my car like that and second, change to front seat or I won’t be driving us home.”

“Well first I’m sorry and second, I don’t want to sit in front with you next to me.” I scoff him off. He turns to me and I look away. “Well then you’re welcome to get out.” My jaw drop to his comeback. Told you driving with him is a bad idea. I know I’ll be treated awfully. So I open the car door and slam it behind.

Without sparing a glance towards his car, I walk down the road. What a jerk. Who does he think he is? My dad? Does he know I despise him as much as I dislike tomato? No he don’t and he doesn’t give a fuck. Few moments later, the sky is striking thunderous lightning making me flinch through every sound they make.

Dwayne’s car stops beside me and driving at slow speed. He slides down his window but I don’t want to look at him. “Get in the car. It’s going to rain.” From the corner of my eyes, he’s looking at me expecting me to just simply hop in. I just keep on walking, boldly ignoring his presence. He’s probably gives up as he accelerates his car. It’s getting smaller by distance and the pressure in my chest somehow loosen.

Sooner, the water starts to drip vastly. The sound of the trickling rain getting louder as it pours heavier. My steps getting quicker with my hands placed on the top of my head. My vision becomes blurry in the heavy downpour. My whole body soaked and my clothes drawn onto my skin. There’s a tree at the end of the road. Disregarding the risk of staying under the boughs, I decided to take a shelter. The tree is so much bigger than I thought when staying underneath it. I grab the edge of my clothes and squeeze the water. A light wind brushes against my skin making me shiver in the chills.

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