Chapter 4

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“You look hot in sweatpants.” I stared at him in disbelief. My furiousness made no sense at all? Wait hold on. Sweatpants? I looked down at my attire. Shit. I was just in a t-shirt and sweatpants. Hot burning senses came flushing down my cheeks. But I tried my best to ignore his dirty compliment and stick to my initial intention of coming here

“You heard me. Turn the music down. My sister can’t sleep.” I crossed my arms and tapped on my foot. As if Dwayne would buy it. And I was right. He didn’t. Instead he whispered something to his friend near him and grinned sheepishly. “Ok here’s the deal princess. You take a shot and I’ll turn it down for the sake of your sister.”

I knew it he was up for something. He handed me a cupful of yellowish liquid. This was a bad idea. Coming here was a bad idea. Telling him to turn the music down was a bad idea. I never had my shot before. And this was the second time I went to a party but not intentionally.

“What do you say princess?” Dwayne and his friend kept on wearing those stupid grins and smiled toothily. I hesitatingly grabbed the cup and brought it near my mouth. The smell was awful and it made me gagged. I’ve always wondered why people tend to adore this type of drink. When I was about to gulp the sinful liquid down, a voice called out for me.

“Maya! You made it!” I turned around and saw Xander. He saw me with my drink and severely frowned. “Xander this is a bad idea. Please tell your friend to turn the music down. My sister can’t sleep. It’s too loud.” But before Xander could reply, Dwayne stood of from his seat and went in between us.

“You’re gonna drink it or what?” Again he wore that stupid grin. He couldn’t stand still on his feet. Most probably the effect from the alcohol. How much did he drink? It annoyed me and I just wanted to punch in his face hard. “Dwayne I think you should turn it down a bit. Besides you won’t want her parents to complain. Your parents will be very pissed.”

Dwayne looked at him then to me. He kept on staring back and forth and grunted. “Fine. You owe me a shot neighbor. I’ll go turn it down.” He turned away and murmured something under his breath. “Thanks Xander. Janice would be glad.” I smiled at him and excused myself from the crowd.

“Maya wait up!” Xander stopped my track and made me turned around. “Alexander Grim. But you can call me Xander.” I chuckled out loud. It was funny when he introduced himself in such situation. But at least he was nice. “Maya Noel.”

“N-Noel?” he repeated my surname in surprise. “Yeah..” We shook hands and I pulled away quickly. It’s just I don’t like in contact with strangers. “Well I need to get going. Janice needs me.”


“How was the party? Was it nice?” Cameron’s squeaking voice stroke my eardrum as soon as we both entered Biology. We took our usual seat right in the middle. “It’s gruesome.” I was no in mood to talk about last night.

The most horrible sight I’ve ever had was that when I peeked through the curtain, one of his party guest peed on mom’s garden. Probably the plant went dead shortly after that. Urea was salty and hypertonic enough to plants cells. Poor mom. I bet she’ll go gaga when she saw them.

“Maya, your prince charming is here.” I looked at Cameron with a huge grin plastered on her tanned skin. She was eyeing the class entrance made me doing the same.

Dwayne Smith.

Why was he always around my vision? And why was he in Biology? He was not in the course for as long as I knew because I’ve been in this class like 2 months ago. “Hey neighbor. You wouldn’t mind if we’re gonna be neighbor in class won’t you?” I snarled at him but he took no notice. Instead he spontaneously planted his bum on the seat beside me.

“And you are?” Dwayne’s gaze fell on Cameron.

“Cameron.” She simply stated. Even when the teacher stepped in they didn’t even stopped but kept on whispering something which they found humorous. My existence in between them didn’t rang any of their bells. Their laughs got my nerves on the verge. “Can you guys shut up? I’m trying to concentrate here.”

Cameron was flirty and Dwayne a man whore. They would be a perfect fit but I won’t let that happen. Cameron’s my best friend and I despised this sappy dimwit beside me. I can’t even believe he have the balls to sit next to me!

Dwayne snorted. “Are you jealous princess?” If someone passed me a baton right now, it would be lovely to smack a hard kiss on his face. “Eyes in front youngsters.” Mrs Hollister reprimanded to whoever wasn’t paying attention in the class. Either way she managed to stop these two from bugging me.

A light thud on my head averted my attention from focusing the teaching. A piece of crumbled paper landed on my lap. Could he stop pestering me? Or was he having a mind set to keep picking on other people? I grabbed the paper and opened it without a doubt.

“You know Hollister got small felony boobs ;)”

I almost puked out everything that I took in this morning. This guy needed some serious rehabilitation. He can’t just simply compliment woman about their appearance. He was giggling like an idiot beside when I threw him back the crumbled paper.

But he didn’t bent down and picked it up. And that was when Madam Hollister went forward and did the job. Oh my. “I’m sure you got a lot to share Maya.” She glared at me and read the paper out. Loud. “You know Hollister got small felony boo.. What is this?” The whole class burst out a fit. Madam Hollister’s face was red as a tomato. It was quite a view but the outcome was not good.

“Disciplinary room and detention young woman. I expect the best from you Maya.” She whispered the last sentence making me gulped down the lump in my throat. Mom wouldn’t be please about this. And that’s not just what I get. I’ll be grounded, no internet no nothing.

Now how cool was that for a 17.


My bed was the only thing that calmed me this whole time. I can’t believe mom even doing this. I was grounded for a week. No any gadgets except and old crappy phone she lent to me. I didn’t get to explain myself. It was all his fault. He caused this and I consumed the attribute. I need something to clear myself out. Something to make him felt the same way I felt right now. Something called revenge.

I need to think of a way that could pissed him off. Well let’s see, he’s nice to my parents, flirts with my best friend, get the highlights of football team, girls anywhere to wrap around his arms, good grades which I can’t contend of.

What’s Dwayne’s weaknesses?  What could’ve possibly will make him learn? Did he ever broke before? Does he ever feel isolated? Or left behind? Or treated the same way he treats everybody? If I can make him regrets, that will make him learn. I felt sorry for the girls he played before. Most of them were fulsomely innocent.

I want him to regret.

Was I too villainous for these arrays? I just can’t stand him anymore. He bugged the hell out of me. I even hated him more when he moved in here. He had his stories from all people in Hughford. And they were loathsome. And that’s me.

Anti – Dwayne Smith.

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